Daily Express

How Gang of Four paved way 40 years ago for moderates

- By Martyn Brown Senior Political Correspond­ent

THE resignatio­n of seven MPs will conjure up memories of the Social Democratic Party in the early 1980s.

Like yesterday’s split, the SDP was founded in 1981 by centrist Labour MPs dismayed by a lurch to the hard Left under Michael Foot.

Initially it enjoyed popularity, but failed to make a breakthrou­gh, eventually merging with its Alliance partners the Liberals to form the Liberal Democrats in 1988.

It was blamed on the Left for splitting the “progressiv­e” vote, helping Margaret Thatcher’s Tories dominate in the 1980s.

The “Gang of Four”, who launched the Council for Social Democracy, included former home secretary and European Commission president Roy Jenkins, ex-foreign secretary David Owen, former education secretary Shirley Williams and ex-transport secretary Bill Rogers.

Some 28 Labour MPs – and one Conservati­ve – eventually joined the new party and were bolstered by the wins of Mrs Williams and Mr Jenkins in by-elections at Crosby and Glasgow Hillhead.

Activists who joined the SDP included today’s Liberal Democrat leader Sir Vince Cable, who had been working as a Labour adviser, and his predecesso­r, Charles Kennedy.

The new party soon allied with the Liberals under David Steel, and together secured 25 per cent of votes in the 1983 general election – just short of Labour’s 28 per cent but well behind the Tories’ 44 per cent. However, the first-past-the-post system meant the Alliance picked up just 23 seats – only six of them taken by SDP MPs.

Two more by-elections were won over the course of that parliament. But in 1987 the Alliance’s share of the vote dipped to 23 per cent, with the SDP left with just five MPs and Mr Jenkins losing his seat.

Mr Owen – by then leader of the SDP – resisted the merger with the Liberals and, after the Monster Raving Loony Party polled more at the 1990 Bootle by-election, he disbanded the party. However, the SDP has been revived by former activists in some areas and has gained its first MEP with the defection of Patrick O’Flynn from Ukip.

 ??  ?? Crosby victory… Shirley Williams
Crosby victory… Shirley Williams

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