Daily Express

Revealed... injuries of abused man, 22, who nearly died at hands of girlfriend

- By David Pilditch

SHOCKING video footage shows the moment police rescued a football coach who had endured months of violence from his abusive girlfriend.

Alex Skeel, 22, was just “10 days from death” after he was subjected to a sickening campaign of torture and abuse by partner Jordan Worth, 23.

Police footage taken on June 3, 2017, shows the bathroom in the couple’s home spattered in blood and the father-of-two cowering on the stairs, bleeding from a wrist wound.

He insisted he had caused the injuries himself. But when police returned days later Alex revealed the full horror of a nine-month campaign of abuse in which he was attacked with hammers, screwdrive­rs and knives, and scalded with boiling water.

Last year art graduate Worth was sent to jail for seven-and-half years in Britain’s first conviction for coercive control involving a female offender.

Alex’s ordeal is revealed in the documentar­y Abused By My Girlfriend being shown on BBC One tonight at 10.45pm. In it he relives in harrowing detail his transforma­tion from a carefree teenager into a husk of a man who had lost the will to live.


Incredibly the couple had two children together, Thomas and Iris.

Yet along with the physical attacks, which often required hospital treatment, Alex suffered psychologi­cal torment after being denied food, clothing, adequate bedding, or even contact with family and friends.

On one occasion Worth told Alex that his beloved grandfathe­r had died, and only after he spent two hours crying and mourning the death did she reveal she had been lying.

He lost four stone in weight, his untreated burns became infected and he developed hydrocepha­lus, a buildup of fluid on the brain from being repeatedly struck on the head at home in Stewartby, Bedfordshi­re.

Alex said: “When the police found me, I was told I was 10 days away from death. I was in love with Jordan and it took me a long time to have the courage to say she was abusing me.

“People always ask me ‘Why didn’t you walk away?’ but it’s complicate­d.

“As each day goes by I’m understand­ing it more.” Abused... Alex Skeel cradles his daughter, top, after receiving a series of wounds from a knife and boiling water, above. Left, Alex with grandfathe­r Gerald, after being reunited with family

 ??  ?? Worth carried out a campaign of violent abuse against Alex Skeel
Worth carried out a campaign of violent abuse against Alex Skeel
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Pictures: BBC
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