Daily Express

Russia’s deadly kamikaze drone bomb

- By Will Stewart

RUSSIA has unveiled a deadly kamikaze drone which destroys its targets with a 6lb bomb.

The latest precision weapon from arms giant Kalashniko­v “delivers explosives to any terrain, bypassing air defence systems”.

With a maximum flying time of 30 minutes, the KYB (Cube) drone has apparently “successful­ly completed” trials.

It was showcased at the internatio­nal IBEX arms exhibition held in Dubai.

Footage shows the unmanned military drone exploding as it reaches its target.


Measuring 4ft by 3ft, it flies at speeds of between 50 and 80mph, Kalashniko­v claims.

Russia has boasted that the drone is capable of being launched covertly.

It can also fly noiselessl­y and has been praised for its ease of handling.

“This is an extremely precise and very effective weapon, incredibly hard to fight by traditiona­l air defence systems,” said Sergey Chemezov, head of Rostec, a Russian state giant in charge of the developmen­t of strategic arms companies. “The explosive can be delivered to target, regardless of how well hidden it is.”

He said the weapon operates “regardless of hidden terrains, at both high and low altitude”.

The drone was developed by ZALA Aero, a daughter company of Kalashniko­v Concern. Russia also boasted it has begun supplying Kalashniko­v AK103 third-generation assault rifles to Saudi Arabia under a contract signed in 2017.

They are also poised to agree the joint production of the AK103 in Saudi Arabia.

 ??  ?? Silent killer...the KYB drone and, inset, hitting its target in a promotion video
Silent killer...the KYB drone and, inset, hitting its target in a promotion video
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