Daily Express

Dr Rosemary



I HAVE to keep clearing my throat, which is very annoying, and it is particular­ly bothersome in winter.

Can you suggest any medication to help me?

ATHAT type of problem is often the result of excess secretions coming from the nose, which run backwards into the throat – it’s called a post-nasal drip.

The commonest reason for this occurring in winter is a cold, caused by a viral infection, but some people also have inflammati­on in their nose caused by exposure to cold temperatur­es.

This can often be successful­ly treated with a steroid nasal spray, but to be totally effective this has to be used regularly for several weeks.

There are sprays you can buy from chemists which contain the steroid fluticason­e but I would recommend seeing your GP first and getting it on prescripti­on.

Another possible cause of throat clearing is reflux of acid from the stomach back up to the throat.

Other symptoms of this include heartburn and sometimes a sore throat as well. This can be treated with drugs that reduce stomach acid production – again you should discuss this first with your GP.

Finally, ACE inhibitor drugs, which are used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease, can cause a tickly cough in about 10 per cent of people who take them.

They all end in “pril” – such as ramipril or lisinopril, and the only answer to this is to make the switch to a different type of medication, which your GP can arrange for you.

THERE is a lot of talk about people who want to lose weight, but what about those that want to gain a little? I’m 5ft 7in and have always weighed 9st 7lb. I have a good appetite, eat three healthy meals a day and don’t think I could eat much more. I also don’t want to eat a lot of fatty or sugary foods, as I’m aware they are not good for me. So what is the best way to gain a few pounds?

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