Daily Express

Britain’s celebrity astrologer



Mar 21 – Apr 20

A change of roles will make your work or family life more interestin­g. You will be asked to take over another person’s responsibi­lities. As it is, you were growing tired of the same old routine and this is your chance to make some changes.

0905 789 3701**


A pleasing shortage of responsibi­lity will give you more time to call your own. Make this a day to indulge your creative side. Painting, writing and photograph­y are all favoured. Turn a deaf ear to relatives who mock your artistic pursuits.

0905 789 3702**


Apr 21 – May 21

May 22 – June 21

Someone is throwing their weight around and you’re ready to address this situation. Be ready to refuse their next demand. If you fancy spending some cash, think about buying something that boosts your wellbeing in some way.

0905 789 3703**


Sep 24 – Oct 23

If you’re willing to take a few risks you could discover a hidden talent. Be open to learning new skills and you should do well. You are finding new things out about yourself and this makes life more exciting. Family news will take you by surprise.

0905 789 3707**


Oct 24 – Nov 22

It is easy to feel alienated when you are with people who don’t understand your feelings. A newcomer may seem a little aloof but once you get talking it will be a relief to find you share similar views and interests. This will be the basis of a lifelong friendship.

0905 789 3708**


Nov 23 – Dec 21

A new offer or opportunit­y appeals to your adventurou­s side. You’re willing to take a risk or two if that’s what it takes to make your life more exciting. You feel on top of the world and this is a great time to grab a slice of life with both hands.

0905 789 3709**

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