Daily Express

Davis in jail risk

- By Tony Banks

FULHAM youngster Ben Davis could be facing a spell in prison after missing his mandatory national service in Singapore. The 18-year-old, below, signed for the Premier League club on a two-year deal in July but the Singapore government has denied his applicatio­n to defer his national service duties.

All Singaporea­n men aged over 18 must serve in the armed forces, police or civil defence force for two years. If Davis evades service for

two years he could face four months in jail.

A Singapore Ministry of Defence spokesman said: “Benjamin Davis is a national service defaulter.

“He failed to report for national service as required. He is also staying overseas without a valid exit permit.”

Deferments for sportspeop­le are rarely granted by Singapore’s Ministry of Defence.

They said in July that deferments were given only to “those who represent Singapore in internatio­nal competitio­ns such as the Olympic Games and are potential medal winners”.

Davis became the first player from Singapore to sign a profession­al contract at a Premier League club when he joined last summer. The midfielder has played 10 games for Fulham’s Under-18 side this season and has been called up by the Singapore national team, but is yet to make an appearance.

Fulham declined to comment on the issue last night.

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