Daily Express

Best of Hollywood wives


THEY are making a drama out of the lives of Joan and Jackie Collins. Could it possibly live up to the real thing? I was once lucky enough to sit beside Jackie Collins, right, at a lunch. Dripping with diamonds, and sporting shades the whole time, she was possibly the most glamorous woman I have ever met. She was fantastica­lly good fun, too, telling everyone else insider stories from Hollywood and always claimed that her novels were based on real-life movie stars, none of whom realised it as they never read a book. When Jackie went on to utter the phrase “my sister” a positive thrill rushed round the lunch table.

Marvellous woman. ❑

THE first thing I thought on hearing of the death of fashion designer “Kaiser” Karl Lagerfeld was, “What will happen to Choupette?” Choupette was his pretty little white cat, who regularly flew by private plane, had a couple of maids to look after her, had a devoted Instagram following, made millions through modelling and whom the Kaiser said he would wed, were it allowed.

Cats may not show the devoted (and to be honest, slightly irritating) adoration that dogs do, but as my vet once explained to me, they can form an extremely strong bond with the person who feeds them. Poor little Choupette.

I UNDERSTAND the argument that as we allowed a monster like Shamima Begum to be created in Britain, then we should deal with the problem rather than shoving it on to Bangladesh. But sometimes exceptions have to be made and the clear message of this to other teenage girls is: if you go to live with Britain’s enemies, then you’ll never be allowed back.

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