Daily Express

Carrie will play a key role in helping win over doubters


wants to build HS3, a fast rail link across the North.

Among more madcap ideas he has talked of a bridge between Northern Ireland and Scotland, cost unknown but sure to be huge, if it is possible at all.

To boost the economy he wants six or more free ports to be set up in the UK. The costs involved are unclear.

He also intends to bring forward the introducti­on of fibre optic internet connection­s to everywhere in the country by 2025. Again the cost, and how much would fall on the Government rather than tech companies, remains unspecifie­d.

His proposed Australian-style points system to limit immigratio­n is uncosted but he wants all immigrants to learn English, which will presumably involve expensive tuition provision.

On climate change, the UK is committed to achieving zero carbon emissions by 2050 after an interventi­on by Theresa May last month and if Mr Johnson sticks to that deadline the cost, though unknown, is assumed to be potentiall­y gigantic. CARRIE Symonds was absent yesterday as her lover Boris Johnson prepared to take over as prime minister.

The PR executive, 31, was nowhere to be seen as Mr Johnson, 55, was named as the new Tory leader. But despite keeping a low profile, Ms Symonds, left, is expected to help steer Mr Johnson through the testing times ahead. One of her first jobs will be to help him win over doubters in his party as he throws a series of private parties at the prime ministeria­l country residence.

“He has got to schmooze them over the summer with trips to Chequers, making sure he meets them and their other halves,” said a party source. Ms Symonds, the daughter of Matthew Symonds, co-founder of The Independen­t newspaper, has a full-time job in the City of London, as an adviser with Oceana, a US-based environmen­tal campaign group.

Aides are expected to reveal at the weekend whether she will move into No10 from her flat in Camberwell, south London. She and Mr Johnson would become the first unmarried couple to take up residence there.

Ms Symonds grew up in south-west London. She studied art history and theatre studies at the University of Warwick.

After graduating, she went to work at Conservati­ve headquarte­rs as a press officer.

Three years later, she went to work for Mr Johnson’s London mayoral re-election campaign.

 ??  ?? Carrie Symonds’s London flat
Carrie Symonds’s London flat
 ??  ?? Trump called Boris ‘smart’
Trump called Boris ‘smart’
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