Daily Express



Alex Carey’s chin in the semifinal and this despite carrying a side injury throughout. And Archer has promised more fire and brimstone at the home of cricket, which could unsettle an Australian line-up heavily dependent on the runs of Smith.

“You don’t always set out to hit the batter,” said Archer. “It could be a wicket-taking ball and a dot ball as well.

“If it hits them with the concussion stuff you just don’t want to cause someone to miss a few games or be out for a few weeks. “Equally it is good to know you are quick enough for people to fear you a bit and pace makes

PADDING UP: England skipper Joe Root prepares for some batting practice in the nets yesterday batters funny things. “It may make him play a shot he is not accustomed to. He may be a bit late on the ball, so if you have the batter overthinki­ng then you are in a good place.”

England have been preparing for the threat of Nathan Lyon by facing Essex’s South African off-spinner Simon Harmer in the Lord’s nets but Smith is the main man they need to overcome. Archer, who played with the former Aussie skipper in the Indian Premier League, is keen to see whether he can have more success this time round.

“He had a day out – or days out – at Edgbaston,” added Archer. “But Lord’s is a bit different. My ideas will be the same as the guys, it’s just that the guys haven’t been successful. Hopefully one can do a bit more coming down the slope and hopefully he gets out for 90 runs less.” do

COME IN SPINNER: Lyon can turn game

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 ??  ?? Root leads his side through their paces at Lord’s yesterday while, right, Archer gets the feel of the Long Room
Root leads his side through their paces at Lord’s yesterday while, right, Archer gets the feel of the Long Room
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