Daily Express

Ant meets ex in divorce showdown

- By Halina Watts

ANT McPartlin is set for showdown talks with ex-wife Lisa Armstrong today as they meet for the first time in their divorce battle.

The pair were supposed to come face to face at London’s Royal Courts of Justice last November – but the judge ticked off Ant for not attending.

And in July they were due to meet at their former marital home but Lisa stopped him entering the building.

Today Ant, 43, and Lisa, 42, are due to meet in London to thrash out details of the divorce.

They were married for 11 years but split in January last year and were granted a decree nisi in October.

Just three months after their split the I’m A Celebrity host got together with his former PA AnneMarie Corbett, 43.

A source said: “Ant is really keen on drawing a line under everything and moving on with his life. The part of that process.

“At the end of the day, he is really in love with Anne-Marie and just wants to get the divorce over and done with.”

In July Ant was stunned when Lisa refused to let him into his old West London home despite him repeatedly ringing the intercom doorbell.

Ant wanted to take away the last of his possession­s and had arranged with his lawyers to go the mansion where Lisa now lives by herself.

It would have been the first time the pair had seen each other since divorce proceeding­s meeting is were launched. Sources close to Lisa claimed at the time that she was unaware Ant himself was going to turn up.

But Ant’s camp insist Lisa had been briefed by representa­tives that he would attend and the time was agreed.

Our source continued: “They are both adults and it’s hopeful things are resolved soon.”

Ant and Lisa first met at a Smash Hits concert in Newcastle in the mid-1990s.

Lisa was in pop band Deuce and Ant was performing with Dec Donnelly as PJ & Duncan. They married in 2006 with Dec as best man.

She helped him after he battled a prescripti­on drug addiction and had a stint in rehab.

Speaking of his girlfriend, Ant said: “Anne-Marie honestly is the fundamenta­l reason for the great change in my life. She’s been my rock. She’s a beautiful soul.We’re very happy.”

 ??  ?? ANT and Dec gatecrashe­d This Morning to celebrate Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield’s decade together.
The duo said: “Stop stop stop ... stop this nonsense You don’t need your script for the rest of your morning.”
Viewers enjoyed a montage of funny highlights from the ITV show.
ANT and Dec gatecrashe­d This Morning to celebrate Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield’s decade together. The duo said: “Stop stop stop ... stop this nonsense You don’t need your script for the rest of your morning.” Viewers enjoyed a montage of funny highlights from the ITV show.
 ??  ?? Lisa Armstrong was wed to Ant 11 years
Lisa Armstrong was wed to Ant 11 years

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