Daily Express

Remainers need to copy example of Jo and go


WHETHER it is Romulus and Remus, Jacob and Esau, Ed and David Miliband or Phil and Grant Mitchell, history, legend and culture are packed with examples of fraternal betrayal and strife.

But the sad resignatio­n of Jo Johnson – the least well known of the clan – from his brother’s Government is not as dramatic or significan­t as some may like to claim.

All it served to underline is that families are divided over Brexit, as are friends and the whole country.

Most of all, Parliament is divided, unable to agree on any course of action apart from perpetual prevention of no deal, thwarting the will of the British people and stopping the country from moving on.

All this has done is demonstrat­e why we need an election. To his credit he realises, as a Remainer, his political days are over and he is planning on stepping down. Frankly, more MPs in this Remainer Parliament should follow his example and depart. They have scorned the British people and the historic vote to leave the EU.

But we cannot have an election while Jeremy Corbyn continues to cower behind the Fixed-term Parliament­s Act.

The far-Left Labour leader and his Remainer allies are desperate to avoid the verdict of the British people.

But they can only run and hide for so long. In the end, an election is inevitable.

When it happens, the verdict of the voters on this betrayal of democracy perpetrate­d by Labour, particular­ly in their traditiona­l heartlands, should be damning and the party run out of town.

The Brexit saga, the failure to deliver on the Leave vote and the way this Remainer Parliament has acted, has brought shame and humiliatio­n on this country and destroyed the integrity of its democracy.

In a matter of days the world’s oldest and most stable Parliament has been brought to its knees.

These are unpreceden­ted times.

But Boris Johnson is right, not Jo.We cannot move on until we leave the EU and then this country can return to normal politics and look forward to a bright future.

For that to happen, the people’s voice must again be heard.

Let’s get on with it and have the election that will finally resolve this crisis.

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