Daily Express

Rebel Tories in talks for Lib Dems soft pact

- By Martyn Brown

REBEL Tory MPs expelled from the party risked provoking anger yesterday after it emerged that they are in talks with the Liberal Democrats over a “non aggression” pact.

Tim Farron, former leader of the minority party, is helping to broker a deal between his successor Jo Swinson and Rory Stewart.

Under the proposal, former Tory minister Mr Stewart would stand as an independen­t MP at the next general election.

But he would agree to accept a Lib Dem so-called “soft whip” in exchange for the party not fielding a candidate against him. It is understood that the Green Party would also stand aside in the Penrith seat of the former Tory party leader contender.

At least three other expelled Tory rebels, including the former universiti­es minister Sam Gyimah, former business minister Margot James and former attorney general Dominic Grieve, have had similar talks about a “loose Remain alliance”, sources say.

Although Mr Stewart supports leaving the EU with a deal, insiders say Ms Swinson, whose party wants to stay in the bloc, is prepared to consider an electoral pact with candidates who oppose no-deal, rather than just those who are explicitly anti-Brexit.

A senior Lib Dem source said: “There have been all sorts of conversati­ons going on around what happens in an election.”

A Tory source said: “This doesn’t matter a jot. They rebelled and have had their whip withdrawn.

“They knew the consequenc­es and will face the music if they choose to stand in an election.”

 ??  ?? Alliance MPs... Jo Swinson
Alliance MPs... Jo Swinson

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