Daily Express

Boyfriend’s trauma at her hellish fight for life

- By Chris Riches

NICOLE’S boxing star boyfriend has told the Daily Express about the terrible lows and amazing highs as he watched her battle for life. Ciaran McVarnock, 27, said: “As Nicole rapidly declined we were shocked by doctors’ options – intensive care, and if she needed a life support machine she would probably die. “We needed the help from the Daily Express and social media to get public support to fight for Trikafta. When Nicole was given Symkevi she was in high spirits. Five hours later she was in intensive care as the pill made her cough up so much mucus. “I asked for her chances and her consultant said, ‘Her lungs are failing. We simply don’t have enough oxygen here to give her.’ My spirits sank. I have never been so scared in all my life. “Nicole could not talk or move – she needed all her concentrat­ion to simply keep breathing.

“Then on Saturday 21st December she was given Trikafta and her recovery has been unbelievab­le. She is completely different, asking me to go a walk with her to the hospital shop and bouncing round her bed itching to go home.”

He said he wanted to thank all who helped, adding: “This drug has given Nicole a new life, a second chance in life. I can’t put into words how proud I am of her. Now what we need is to get every CF sufferer Trikafta as Nicole won’t be the last person in this position. Everyone with CF deserves the best quality of life.”

Ciaran is organising a football match on February 9 for the CF Trust at Crusaders’ Seaview ground in Belfast between Limestone United and a celebrity XI including Corrie star Charles Lawson, 60.

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Battling on…Ciaran

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