Daily Express

A warning from my doctor made me lose more than 5st!


To get at #ThatFeelin­g visit Slimming World or slimmingwo­rld.co.uk call 0344 897800. World Follow Slimming on Instagram @SlimmingWo­rld

lost 2lb the week after and 5lb the week after that! I couldn’t believe the variety of food I could have – nothing was off limits. Best of all, I knew I could stick with it – it’s not just a quick-fix starvation diet that I’d ditch after a few weeks. I knew this was the plan for me.” Jamielee soon found healthier alternativ­es to curb her takeaway cravings. Instead of getting salt and pepper chicken and chips from her local Chinese takeaway, she makes her own version, using blended brown breadcrumb­s mixed with chilli flakes, salt and spices to coat chicken breasts then baking them in the oven. Jamielee makes her own healthy chips by cutting potato wedges, spraying them with low-calorie cooking spray, and cooking them in the oven. Her old favourite of a doner kebab pizza has been replaced with a home-made version using a tortilla wrap as a base and topping with tomato puree, fresh tomatoes and low-fat mozzarella. She even makes her own version of her old fast-food favourite breakfast, using a wholemeal muffin, a low-fat sausage patty, fat-free bacon medallion and an egg fried in low-calorie cooking spray.

As well as opening up a whole new way of eating, Slimming World also introduced Jamielee to a lot of new friends.

Weight before:

15st 11lb Dress size: 18-20 Weight now:

10st 8lb Dress size: 8-10 Weight lost:

5st 3lb

She said: “Staying in the Slimming World group is a must for me. I was worried I’d hate it, but the other members are lovely and the support we give and get from each other is amazing. If I’d had a bad week, I’d get understand­ing from others who were in exactly the same boat, and inspiratio­n from members who had ideas of how I could pick myself right back up again – everything from recipes to how to change the way I was thinking. It’s all about being positive.

“I won two awards at my group this year – Miss Slinky andWoman of the Year. It meant so much because it was my fellow members who voted for me.

“Even though I’m at my target weight now, I still go to my group every week. It’s what keeps me on track.”

Jamielee reached that target weight of 10st 11lb in September last year – shedding an incredible total of five stone in only nine months. She’s since lowered her target slightly and is sitting comfortabl­y at 10st 8lb – within the healthy range for her 5ft 7in height.

As well as feeling healthier and fitter to run around after her kids, Jamielee is also now enjoying shopping again.

She says: “I was only in my early 20s but I was dressing in ripped jeans and oversized hoodies because it’s all I felt I could wear to hide how big I was.

“Now I love shopping and have to rein it in sometimes! I like fitted dresses and skinny jeans. I feel like I’m finally dressing for my age and it feels great.

“I wish you could bottle the feeling that losing weight has given me. I want to share it with everyone.”

 ??  ?? PROUD: Accounts worker Jamielee is now a svelte 10st 8lb and a size 8-10
PROUD: Accounts worker Jamielee is now a svelte 10st 8lb and a size 8-10
 ??  ?? HIDDEN: Jamielee used to cover up in baggy clothes
HIDDEN: Jamielee used to cover up in baggy clothes
 ??  ??

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