Daily Express

Parallels with Edward COMMENT

- By Richard Palmer Royal Correspond­ent MARGARET HOLDER Royal author and broadcaste­r

THEY have been back in Britain for only three days but already the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have given the Queen a fresh headache with a plan to quit the Firm.

After the disastrous year that her majesty has just suffered, she could have done without this.

But Harry and Meghan appear to have decided to announce their plans amid reports that they want to base themselves in Canada for at least part of the year after spending most of a seven-week break out there.

Quite how their new life work remains to be seen.

It is clear the couple have had only the briefest of discussion­s with the 93-year-old monarch and other members of the Royal Family about how this will pan out.

In theory at least, they will split their time between the UK and North America – Canada or the United States – and earn a “profession­al income”, while continuing to promote their favourite charities and causes. These include empowering women, supporting military veterans and HIV patients, highlighti­ng the dangers of climate change, and promoting the Commonweal­th.

They have not yet elaborated on proposals about how they think they will earn that income.

There is the profession­al speaking circuit. They could take senior paid roles working for internatio­nal charities, or do deals with film and television companies to share the profits of ventures involving them.

Already Harry is working with US chat show host Oprah Winfrey on a series for Apple TV about mental will

THE announceme­nt came as a shock but really the decision was in the making months ago. Over the past year or so it has been clear that Meghan Markle could not adjust to life as a senior member of the Royal Family while her husband also struggled with the changes in his life as a husband, father and functionin­g royal.

Remind you of anyone? Yes there are parallels with Edward VIII’s love for American socialite Wallis Simpson, left, which led to his abdication. Harry is not gone for good, but there are seemingly now irreparabl­e divisions.

He has admitted there has been

health problems – and there are understood to be similar projects in the pipeline.

Perhaps Meghan, who lived in Toronto while starring in the television legal drama Suits, will go back to her acting career. As the wife of a member of the Royal Family, she would have enormous cachet now but would face constant criticism over cashing in on her connection­s.

Senior aides appeared uncertain last night whether the couple would continue to receive money from Prince Charles, who pays for 95 per cent of their activities through the £21million-a-year profits from his Duchy of friction with brother William and Meghan complained that no one – presumably other royals – had asked how she was after the birth of son Archie.

The Sussexes felt marginalis­ed as plans to keep the monarchy secure for the future seemingly did not include them, or Archie.

The picture released at the weekend of the Queen and the three kings-in-waiting – Charles, William and George – closed off any avenue the couple felt available to them if they remained in the UK as full-time royals.

By making clear their intentions

Cornwall landed estate. If they continue to rely on Charles to fund their lavish lifestyle, they will be mocked for proclaimin­g their financiall­y independen­t status.

Harry and Meghan are millionair­es in their own right but they are not as wealthy as is sometimes claimed, according to friends.

There have been reports that Harry’s net worth is £30million but, though he inherited money from his mother Princess Diana after her death, his wealth is actually a fraction of that, according to sources.

If he is hoping that his grandmothe­r, the Queen, will be prepared to bail

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