Daily Express

Let’s rethink HS2 and put cash where North needs it most

- Stephen Pollard Daily Express columnist

OVER the weekend it emerged that the Government is considerin­g moving the House of Lords to the North, with York the most likely candidate. It’s not a bad idea. It would be a striking statement of the Government’s intent, showing that it meant what it said about investing in and refocusing on the North. But it would still be more of a PR statement than a practical move to benefit those parts of our country which rightly feel ignored.

There is, however, something very much along those lines sitting on the Prime Minister’s desk. At some point very soon, Mr Johnson has to decide whether to go ahead with HS2, the high-speed rail link between London, Birmingham and the North – or whether to scale back or scrap it.

As a concept, HS2 makes sense to improve the speed and quality of rail links between cities. Other European countries have benefited from a more connected and reliable service. The UK economy is dominated by London in a way that other countries do not share with their own capitals.

Also, in years gone by cities such as Birmingham and Manchester were themselves powerhouse­s. They remain wealthy and vibrant – but could be much more so.

But Huddersfie­ld, Rochdale and Warrington, once proud, thriving areas, today feel left behind. They all need an economic boost which better transport links could provide.

FOR a while there have been moves to boost the North, such as the BBC’s move to Salford and the Royal Armouries Museum shift to Leeds. Meanwhile, London has become unaffordab­le to most Britons. The Lords move would make a huge statement.

But proper connectivi­ty is vital and it’s now clear that HS2 is not the answer many initially believed it was. Ever since it was first mooted (originally as an alternativ­e to expanding

Heathrow) the cost estimates and delays have rocketed. HS2 is now out of control.

In 2010, the combined costs of Phase 1 to Birmingham and then Phase 2 to the North were put at £33billion. Expensive, yes, but not ludicrousl­y so.

Yesterday, a leak of the latest estimate puts it at £106billion and probably mounting.

To put that in context, last year the entire NHS England budget was £115billion.

To come close to justifying spending such a sum on some faster and better-connected trains, the economic benefits would have to be stratosphe­ric.

Yet no serious evidence has been produced showing HS2 would provide anything close to such a level of economic gain.

And there have been severe delays. The first leg between London and Birmingham has already been put back by five years and even its supporters do not expect it to open until 2030 at the soonest. The eastern leg from Birmingham to Leeds will not open until 2040.

In reality, Mr Johnson has little choice but to call a halt or scale back. If he is serious about delivering on his election pledge to refocus on the North, there are so many better ways of spending money.

THE issue isn’t whether we should be investing large sums in boosting the economy in the North – it’s how we best do that.

For one thing, anyone who lives there will tell you that the problem isn’t that it takes too long to get to London.

They’ll say it’s the woeful transport links within the North itself – getting from city to city and within different towns. In many areas, for example, bad as the provision of buses is during the day, there are no buses at all at night. Spending money on buses might not be as sexy as trains, but it is far more useful.

Add to that trams and light railways and it’s clear that it makes much more sense to spread the investment around.

Spending £100billion on one project smacks of waste.

Spending £100billion on a Northern-wide transport boost, on the other hand, is a worthwhile investment.

Indeed there is a rebellion brewing among some of the new Conservati­ve MPs in socalled “Red Wall” seats in the North. They fear that by focusing so much public money on the trains to large cities, services to smaller towns will suffer.

And it’s the Huddersfie­lds and Warrington­s that need the boost of transport investment.

There have already been howls from mayors of Manchester and the West Midlands (and, of course, from the constructi­on companies), demanding HS2 is maintained.

That’s understand­able from their perspectiv­e. But taking a broader view, it’s clear it is no longer a sensible project. Time for something better – so that whether or not the Lords land in York, the North can truly realise its potential.

‘Rather than spend a huge sum on one project, spread the investment around’

 ??  ?? SECOND CHAMBER:York could be home to the Lords, but transport there needs a radical rethink
SECOND CHAMBER:York could be home to the Lords, but transport there needs a radical rethink
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