Daily Express

Break your junk food addiction... today!

Always tempted by sugary snacks? Feel trapped by emotional eating? The Allen Carr method – which has helped millions quit smoking – promises to set you free

- Extracted by DEBBI MARCO from Allen Carr’s Easy Way To Quit Emotional Eating (£9.99, Arcturus). To order a copy call the Express Bookshop on 01872 562 310 or visit expressboo­kshop.com

IT’S well known that junk food is bad news – it’s lacking in nutrition and high in empty calories that lead to poor health and weight gain. However, a new report has found that the consequenc­es of filling up on high-fat, sugary treats could be even more serious.

The study found that eating junk food actually damages the brain, causing memory problems and overrides the body’s natural appetite control so you crave junk even more.

So it’s never been more important to change your eating habits – but how do you do it?

Help is at hand from Allen Carr’s team of psychologi­sts – the experts behind successful books on how to quit negative habits such as phone addiction – who promise to set you free from binge-eating and emotional eating forever.


Any feeling of comfort you’ve experience­d from food is fake.

It’s the result of prolonged periods of controllin­g your food intake followed by times of release where you relinquish control and get momentary relief from feelings.

It’s a bit like wearing tight shoes, simply to experience the relief of taking them off.

With all addictions we are brainwashe­d into believing that our little fix is a source of pleasure or comfort.

We are deluded into thinking that happiness lies in the very thing that’s causing us misery.

Once you’ve started using food in an attempt to deal with emotions, it is the addiction to sugar that hooks you.

When you eat, you feel a small boost, which partially relieves the insecure feeling, and your brain is fooled into believing that eating junk is providing comfort.

This is why you cannot find true happiness while you remain in the trap.When you’re eating junk, you will wish you didn’t have to.

When you can’t eat it, you’ll wish you could.


We grow up believing that sugary foods taste delicious. In truth, we don’t savour these foods at all.We wolf them down because we want to get our fix as quickly as possible.

It’s not genuine pleasure that drives us to eat these foods, it’s the idea of pleasure.

We don’t eat them for the taste, we eat them for the sugar and the effect it has on our brain and body.

Remember the last time you binged on biscuits or ice cream or chocolate.

Did you take your time, carefully tasting it, savouring every morsel? Or did you consume it in a frenzy?

Next time you eat a cake or chocolate bar, pay attention to the way you eat it.

Slow down, chew the food and be aware of the taste and feel of it in your mouth.

You will become increasing­ly aware that it’s a dry lump of stodge.

Most junk food tastes of very little at all but it’s not the taste that keeps you coming back for more – it’s the sugar addiction.


The desire to eat junk comes from the Big Monster – this is the illusion that eating gives you pleasure or comfort.

The anxiety you feel when you can’t eat junk is merely the Big Monster responding to the cries of the Little Monster to be fed.

But the Little Monster was created by eating junk in the first place. Therefore, eating junk does not relieve the anxiety, it causes it.

The key that will enable you to get free is the realisatio­n that your days of slavery are over. You no longer need to be a slave to food that does absolutely nothing for you.You won’t miss it and you will enjoy life more.

You will be able to deal better with stress, plus you won’t have to go through a terrible trauma in order to escape.

What’s more, you can remind yourself of the marvellous truth.

Whereas someone who tries to quit with willpower will think, “I mustn’t eat junk,” or “I thought I’d beaten this craving,” you’ll be thinking “Great, I’m a happy, healthy eater.

I’m free.”


Life becomes so much easier when you’re not being dragged all over the place both physically and mentally by emotional eating. You will rediscover the pleasure of meal times. Instead of being a source of guilt and self-loathing, the food you eat will be a genuine pleasure, leaving you feeling satisfied, energetic and happy.

Enjoy eating when you feel like it, rather than when the monsters drive you to it.

Enjoy the flavour and variety of nutritious foods.

Enjoy not feeling bloated or sluggish, caused by indigestib­le junk food, or the feeling of gluttony after bingeing uncontroll­ably.

Never doubt or question your decision to stop – you know it’s the right one.

If the thought enters your head that life will be less enjoyable without junk food, just remember how miserable it felt to be in the grip of emotional eating.

 ?? Picture: GETTY ?? SWEET NOTHINGS: Break free from sugary snacks
Picture: GETTY SWEET NOTHINGS: Break free from sugary snacks

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