Daily Express

There is nothing at all natural about naturism

- VIRGINIA BLACKBURN Email me at virginia.blackburn@reachplc.com

TEXTILES: brace yourselves. We have a new hate crime on our books. Just when you thought we had reached absolute, total saturation point where the profession­al offence takers are concerned, up pops British Naturism to demand that nudists should be awarded protection under the hate crime laws.

As such, it wants the right to be naked in public to be classed as a “philosophi­cal belief” in the eyes of the law, which is one interestin­g way of looking at getting your kit off. Oh, and “textiles” are what they call the rest of us. Those of us who, y’know, wear clothes. And I don’t get the impression they mean it affectiona­tely.

Let’s get one thing straight: there is absolutely no excuse, ever, for verbal harassment of nudists if they are in nudist-related spaces, let alone physical attack, as

British Naturism says is on the rise. But “hate crime”? What about the right of the rest of us to be protected against crimes against aesthetics? Because it’s notable that those drawn to naturism do not on the whole tend to be the young, the beautiful and the lithe.

Hate crime? Is this going to apply to a jolly call of “Put ’em away love”, which until now has seemed more closely aligned to the music hall than spittle-flecked racists enforcing their dire prejudices on everywhere else?

And there are indeed countries where people tend to wear very little clothing, but let’s be frank about this. They don’t share a climate with this one. When you’ve had your 89th grey, rainy day in a row, it’s going to take a jolly determined nudist to take his 89th consecutiv­e naked constituti­onal.

Things shrivel and shrink in the rain, although best not to go there.

British Naturism’s president, Mark Bass, has adopted a tone more in sorrow than in anger. “You would be upset if someone shouted abuse or threatened you because they did not like the colour of your shirt,” he protests. But he’s missing the point here. It’s not actually against the law to go around in hideous clothing (though perhaps it should be), whereas there is a case against outraging public decency, which is what naturists would be doing if they went for a naked weekly shop.

One chap who knows this is Stephen Gough, aka the Naked Rambler, who seems to spend a lot of his time getting arrested for his resolute determinat­ion to stride the highways and byways of Britain entirely in the buff. And for why? Nature contains many unpleasant things, including stinging nettles. Did I hear an “Ouch?”

As someone once put it, the trouble with dancing naked is that not everything stops when the music does. The same goes for just about everything else.

The Crown Prosecutio­n Service says “a balance needs to be struck between the naturist’s right to freedom of expression and the right of the wider public to be protected from harassment, alarm and distress”, which sums up extremely accurately the way most of us feel about being confronted with great mountains’ full of too, too solid human flesh.

There are many creatures out there in the wild, who scamper away at the first sign of human contact.

Couldn’t the lesser spotted naturist adopt this one, too?

MY great pal Richard is in thoughtful mode, contemplat­ing names for the Prime Minister’s future offspring. “How about Brexit if it’s a boy and Corona if it’s a girl?” he asks. Sounds good to me!

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 ??  ?? CHEERS? But do us a favour and put it away…
CHEERS? But do us a favour and put it away…

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