Daily Express

101,883 3,462 DEATHS Rage as nursing expert says bug will ease bed-blocking

- By Richard Elias

A CHARITY condemned a former top nurse’s claims that a coronaviru­s pandemic would help tackle the NHS bed-blocking crisis as “barbaric” yesterday.

Professor June Andrews found herself at the centre of controvers­y for saying the situation “would be quite useful” as it would ease pressure on hospitals.

The ex-Scottish government adviser and NHS Forth Valley nursing director made the comments to MSPs on Thursday.

She told them: “If you are on the board of a care home company, a pandemic is one of the things you think about as a potential damage to your business because of the number of older people it is going to take out of the system.

“Curiously, ripping off the sticking plaster, in a hospital that has 92 delayed discharges, a pandemic would be quite useful because your hospital would work because these people would be taken out of the system.” She continued: “That sounds like it is a horrific thing to say but it is the case that somehow or other we have put people in the wrong places by not having the kind of strategic views that we should have.

“That means that politician­s who do not want to think about bad things before the election need to think about putting


income tax up even higher in order to pay for more care in care homes. And they need to think about whether they reinstate geriatric care.”

But last night, after two elderly people in England died from the disease, Age Scotland chief Brian Sloan said Prof Andrews’ remarks were divisive nonsense.

He added: “Her comments are barbaric and frankly abhorrent. No one should believe this, let alone say it.

“The sweeping suggestion that the deaths of vulnerable, older people would be convenient because it would make life easier for hospitals is breathtaki­ngly callous. It serves only to exploit the situation the nation faces with coronaviru­s outbreak and is wholly unwelcome.

“The more you read and listen to her words, the worse they get. I cannot believe MSPs didn’t immediatel­y challenge her.

“These people she casts aside are mothers, brothers, grandparen­ts and friends. Imagine if it was you or someone close to you in this position.”

Prof Sloan said: “Older people who are unwell and need care should have our compassion and respect. It is not through choice that they go to hospital but necessity. This is an opportunit­y to help and look out for one another rather than peddling this divisive nonsense.”

 ??  ?? Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits the Mologic Laboratory in Bedford Technology Park yesterday
Prime Minister Boris Johnson visits the Mologic Laboratory in Bedford Technology Park yesterday
 ??  ?? Prof June Andrews’ remarks to MSPs has caused a storm of controvers­y
Prof June Andrews’ remarks to MSPs has caused a storm of controvers­y

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