Daily Express

Make slurs against women a hate crime says ex-police chief

- By Cyril Dixon


A FORMER senior policeman wants misogyny prosecuted as a hate crime following a flood of vile abuse aimed at famous women.

Retired detective inspector Philip Grindell claims police chiefs are resisting the “unfashiona­ble” idea.

The ex Met Police homicide detective set up a parliament­ary protection team after MP Jo Cox was murdered by a Right-wing fanatic in 2016.

His call comes as ITV newsreader Julie Etchingham revealed that she suffered “deeply unpleasant” social media comments after hosting last year’s Tory leadership debate.

Mr Grindell, 53, whose private security firm advises VIP clients who have been threatened, said: “I don’t think it’s a fashionabl­e subject.

“If they were doing it because you are black, it would be a hate crime. If they were doing it because you are gender neutral, that is a crime. I’ve seen numerous female politician­s with me, terrified, crying, but having to go out and put on a brave face.

“Prior to Jo Cox, no one ever talked about it because many of them thought it was part of the territory.

“I can guarantee that Stephen Fry or Laurence Fox don’t get anything like that.”

Only five forces treat misogyny as a hate crime. Britain’s highest ranking woman officer, Met Police Commission­er Cressida Dick, says it is already dealt with in other areas of the law. Julie, 50, said of being trolled on social media: “It is deeply unpleasant and it’s an element of this job we didn’t have to think about a few years ago.

“For those of us who are front of camera and for some who aren’t, it can get pretty toxic.

“I find it quite difficult to navigate because I don’t ever respond to it. I don’t ever engage. If it’s something getting heated – just leave it.”

 ??  ?? Rudd was ditched
FORMER home secretary Amber Rudd has blasted “rude” Oxford University students after they cancelled her speech at the last minute.
She was due to talk at the UN Women Oxford event for Internatio­nal Women’s Day about encouragin­g women to get into politics, but was
Rudd was ditched FORMER home secretary Amber Rudd has blasted “rude” Oxford University students after they cancelled her speech at the last minute. She was due to talk at the UN Women Oxford event for Internatio­nal Women’s Day about encouragin­g women to get into politics, but was

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