Daily Express

There’s no stigma in calling out fat people

Keep calm and stop panicking

- Email me at carole.malone@reachplc.com Follow me on Twitter @thecarolem­alone

MEMO to those people who are panic-buying toilet rolls and hand gel – in fact everything: Will you just please stop! It’s selfish. And there wouldn’t be a shortage of anything if people just shopped normally.

I went into my local Waitrose and there were no toilet rolls. Not a single pain killer.

Nothing in the way of cleaning materials that had anti-bacterial on it. Which means people are stockpilin­g and buying way more than they need, thus depriving everyone else.

Especially the elderly, many of whom don’t have cars to lug bagfuls of booty home.

Yes, coronaviru­s is scary and it’s contagious but this kind of hysteria is even more scary and even more contagious. So please get some perspectiv­e.

That’s it.

Lecture over.

Straight talking is in short supply these days so how refreshing to hear Roger Law, who co-created the 80’s show Spitting Image, give his reasons for bringing it back: “I’d refused to resuscitat­e it for years but when my pension ran out and my palm was crossed with silver, what could an old man do?” No arty farty talk. No woke messages about “changing times”, just the truth: “I need the cash.”

GILLIAN Bayford and her ex-husband, Adrian, won a record £148million on the lottery in 2012. Soon after the win they split. He had a string of young girlfriend­s who dumped him and he got very fat.

Gillian had hair extensions that make her look brassy and she too got fatter. She’s also had a string of blokes and this week one of them, Gavin Innes, said she treated him like a “chihuahua in Paris Hilton’s handbag”. Gillian left him and then married a convicted fraudster.

People say money doesn’t make you happy. What they don’t say is it renders some people chronicall­y stupid. If you can’t make a good, decent, productive life with £148million you don’t deserve to have it!

CELINE Dion’s voice is out of this world. And when interviewe­d she sounds like a really fun woman. That said, whoever’s dressing her should be shot. This outfit makes her look like the Flowerpot Men’s mum. There’s haute couture and there’s just looking daft!

ABUNCH of “experts” reckon that calling fat people fat is akin to racism.The fact that theyARE fat and it could kill them is irrelevant apparently. All that matters is that they mustn’t be offended or stigmatise­d. Never mind that they might keel over and die of a heart attack, cancer or a stroke because of their extra bulk.

No, in this age of woke stupidity death is nowhere near as bad as a hurt feeling. These experts – a group of bods from King’s College London – published their ludicrous Pledge to Eradicate Weight Stigma this week. But surely their time and intelligen­ce would have been better utilised had they looked for ways to eradicate obesity which is currently crippling the NHS and is the second biggest cause of preventabl­e cancers after smoking?

But hey, let’s not hit the hand-wringing liberals with the cold, hard consequenc­es of being fat – the fact that people are dropping like flies – as they’d probably need months of counsellin­g. Let’s just focus on the stigma which they reckon causes psychologi­cal harm. And yes, maybe it does but that’s nowhere near as catastroph­ic as the physical harm people are inflicting on themselves by being morbidly obese. Professor Francesco Rubino, head of this silly group, says that instead of treating obesity as a failure of willpower it should be treated as a disease. How stupid are these people? Tell a fat person it’s a disease and it instantly absolves them of the responsibi­lity of dealing with it. They can continue to kid themselves that the five extra stones they’re carrying are nothing to do with the oceans of coke or the tons of crisps, pizzas and chocolate they throw down their throats. It’s a disease so let someone else deal with it.

Obesity isn’t a disease. In the vast majority of cases it’s a selfinflic­ted condition brought about by eating too much of the wrong food and not doing enough exercise. And it’s not fat-shaming yourself if,

IF BEING out of Britain and away from royal life makes Meghan Markle look this alive, this sparkly, this happy – then it’s good she’s gone. And I say that without an ounce of malice. She looks like the woman we all fell in love with two years ago. Then again .... she is an actress! morbidly obese people to tell them they are dangerousl­y overweight and could die. It’s actually the responsibl­e thing to do.

As for the “it’s my genes” excuse, that’s nonsense too because genes account for just 20 per cent of what happens to your body. The rest is about what you do and what you eat.

But even worse, in Woke Britain there are now groups claiming obesity and the acceptance of it is a huge step forward in body positivity. We’re supposed to celebrate it like we celebrated size 26 model Tess Holliday who appeared on Cosmo’s front cover telling us all: “Love yourself as you are.”

NO! Don’t bloody love like

GOD love Leftie luvvies like Emma Thompson. She has THREE homes – a £3million mansion in London, a house in Scotland and another in Venice. And now in the wake of Brexit she and husband Greg Wise have been made honorary citizens of Venice and official residents of Italy.

Thompson has always been vocal about wanting Britain to stay in the EU and how she feels “European”. Which is lovely for her.

But I’m wondering how many ordinary folk would have been given an honorary citizenshi­p and have Venice’s Deputy Mayor waxing lyrical about how “truly proud they are to have them”.

But then I guess rich movie star Lefties can have it all. They can don dungarees, man the barricades and preach good socialist principles.

But after that they get to whizz around the world living a magnificen­tly privileged life in their multiple luxury mansions.

Holliday, you’re (at least) seven stones overweight. Better to be afraid and do something about it. The NHS should not pay for people’s greed and their totally avoidable conditions.

Prof Rubin says: “Obese people are often perceived as lazy and lacking in willpower and self-discipline.” Yep, that pretty much explains why me and millions of others are fat. How is that an insult? It’s a fact. Every year obesity stats rocket. And telling doctors to turn a blind eye to it is asking them to be grossly negligent.

Obesity is the new smoking and NHS England predicts it will cause 36,800 new cancer cases every year. THAT is a damn sight more important than hurt feelings!

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