Daily Express

Romantic irony of the iron ladies


JI HAD to laugh when I read about Facebook chief operating officer Sheryl Sandberg’s perfect proposal.Alpha-female that she is, she didn’t allow her brand new fiancé, marketing executive Tom Bernthal, to surprise her – no, it was all jointly pre-planned.

They “picked out” the ring together and “planned the event” à deux, mutually booking a weekend away.

I assume she didn’t let Tom go down on bended knee.What was the point when every word and gesture was as tightly scripted as a first-night play? I suppose she could have cued him to kneel, but surely even Tom would have bristled at that.

Scary Sheryl made perfect sense though when she said she can’t understand why women should wait for men to propose: “I look at all these amazing young women, women I talk to, and they’re totally strong and they take charge of their education, they take charge of their career.

“And then in a relationsh­ip they’re like ‘Yeah, I want to get married... I hope he brings it up’.”

She’s right. It never used to be like this.

Around the time when

I and my old university friends were getting engaged, I don’t remember any of them pining for a surprise proposal. I vaguely remember Richard blurting over dinner, a couple of weeks into our relationsh­ip, “I suppose we’ll be getting married as soon as we can.”

It was a surprise only in that it happened so soon.And there was no kneeling, and no ring at that point, though he did give me a sweet little emerald soon after. So why do girls want the big romantic gesture now, and why do they leave it up to their boyfriends?

I don’t think it’s weakness, or passivity. Our daughter Chloe (left) is as bossy as Sheryl Sandberg, but she still expected her then-boyfriend to choose the ring, the date and the place (Paris) to propose. On bended knee, of course.

I think it’s the theatre they love. They’ve been brought up with Disney, worn the “princess” frocks and want, just the once, to be Cinderella. One day their prince will come. And I get it. Life is hard and precarious these days. It’s nothing to do with feminism. Girls just wanna have fun.

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