Daily Express



JEREMY Corbyn will make his last appearance as Labour leader at a major Commons set piece next week when he delivers the traditiona­l Leader of the Opposition response to the Budget.

MPs will be braced for another lengthy diatribe about alleged evil Tory misrule that has scant relevance to the measures announced by the Chancellor.

Outside of his hard-Left fan club, many Labour MPs are in despair that Mr Corbyn is still at the helm three months on from the party’s general election thrashing. He has shown none of the humility of former opposition leaders who have accepted the verdict of the electorate while seeing out their final days in the job. If anything, Mr Corbyn’s rhetoric in the Commons has become even more extreme, radiating personal bitterness at the Prime Minister who beat him.

Labour moderates suggest his presence is casting a damaging shadow over the contest to choose his successor. Mr Corbyn is helping to perpetrate the Left-wing myth that it was Brexit alone – and not his insane Marxist policies and fondness for siding with Britain’s foes – that cost Labour the election.

Mr Corbyn is even putting pressure on the candidates to succeed him to guarantee him a shadow cabinet job. “The Corbyn personalit­y cult still casts a spell over a section of the membership, limiting the debate we need to have about the party’s future,” said one Labour insider.

In recent weeks, the Labour leader has been repeatedly mocking Boris Johnson as a “part-time Prime Minister”.

In the fag end of his job, many MPs believe Mr Corbyn remains a full-time menace to his party’s hopes of ever returning from the hard-Left wilderness.

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