Daily Express

A cry for public to do their part for nurses

- By Liz Perkins

NURSES on the frontline facing the emotional burden of caring for coronaviru­s patients have been moved to tears by the challenge they face.

In a moving video message, Shirley Watts, an operating theatre nurse at a hospital in Basildon, Essex, urged people to take on board Government advice to stay at home to ease the pressure on the NHS.

As tears streamed down her face, she said: “We’re on our knees here and it’s really difficult and we’re all trying the best we can and we don’t feel, we like, you know, we feel like we could be doing more and I know we can’t.

“We’re staying away from our families and we are putting ourselves in danger to try and save other people’s loved ones and it feels like a losing battle but it’s not, because we have all got hope and we are trying to do what we can.

“If you heard of anyone saying, ‘It’s not a big deal and we can go out’, I want you to say to them, ‘No, you need to at stay home’.

“You need to stay at home and you need to help protect the NHS as we are struggling at the moment to do everything that we need to do.”

Nurse Jake Savoie shared a selfie wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) at work. He said: “The PPE you see in my picture is just a glimpse of what a suspected/ positive Covid patient sees at all hours of the day/night whenever ANYONE is required to enter their room (the room in which they spend all other hours ALONE).

“These patients have no normal human interactio­n from the moment they step inside the hospital until they are officially declared negative, until the virus has run its course, or until they sadly take their last breath.

“My heart broke more and more each time that I’d walk into a patient’s room and see the fear in their eyes.

“Think about this the next time you consider going out because you are tired of your only human interactio­n being through FaceTime or with those in your household.”

 ??  ?? Shirley Watts makes an emotional plea
Shirley Watts makes an emotional plea
 ??  ?? Jake Savoie the only face patients see
Jake Savoie the only face patients see

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