Daily Express



FOUR-YEAR-OLD Dexter Lee whose birthday holiday had to be scuppered has been cheered up by a visit from the boys in blue.

Dexter wants to be a policeman and mum Anna through friends asked if officers could drive past and wave. In fact, Sergeant Mark Wilson and Merseyside Police mascot Bobby paid a visit, with a goodie bag and a superhero card.

Dexter’s grandparen­ts joined from their cars, along with neighbours.

The youngster and his big brother Freddie tried out the blues and twos in the police van, while baby brother Mason, aged six months, looked on.

Anna and dad Rob said: “We are so overwhelme­d by the effort the police went to today.

“It has brought a lot of cheer to us and the whole neighbourh­ood.”

THE Harrogate Internatio­nal Festivals’ summer season is the latest cultural victim of the pandemic.

The organisers of the North Yorkshire spa town’s not-for-profit festival announced “with deep regret and sadness” that this year’s season – including the Harrogate Music Festival,Theakston Old Peculier Crime Writing Festival, and Children’s Festival – had been cancelled.

But the prestigiou­s Theakston Old Peculier Crime Novel of the Year 2020, supported by the Daily Express and WH Smith, will still take place, with the winning novel unveiled in late July.The crime-writing festival will be reschedule­d for next year.

Harrogate Internatio­nal Festivals will be launching a virtual festival experience for fans to enjoy at home.

For more informatio­n, visit www. harrogatei­nternation­alfestival­s.com.

CORNER shops and convenienc­e stores have enjoyed a massive surge in sales as shoppers avoid supermarke­t queues to buy their groceries locally, a report said yesterday.

Data from analysts Kantar shows that grocery sales at independen­t retailers – including Spar, Nisa, Premier, Londis and Costcutter – have outpaced the record growth of supermarke­ts and discounter­s after coronaviru­s-related stockpilin­g left many shelves bare.

Fraser McKevitt of Kantar said: “Lots of people are combining their daily exercise with going to the local shop which is disproport­ionately benefiting independen­t retailers.

“Regular trips to smaller local stores are also likely to continue.”

 ??  ?? Celebratin­g… Dexter with his family
Celebratin­g… Dexter with his family
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