Daily Express

Our national resolve will help us to build a wise exit strategy

- Leo McKinstry Daily Express columnist

THIS nation is facing one of the sternest ordeals in our history. At stake is the very survival of our British way of life. During the next fortnight, the death toll and the rate of infections are expected to soar as the coronaviru­s reaches its lethal peak. To cope with that unpreceden­ted challenge will require all our determinat­ion and solidarity.

But we can rise to the challenge. The British people have already shown extraordin­ary stoicism in this unique crisis. As the Queen said last night in her stirring broadcast from Windsor Castle, “the qualities of self-discipline, of quiet goodhumour­ed resolve and of fellow feeling still characteri­se the country”. Those virtues have never been needed more than today, for this is by far the most serious emergency of her 68 years on the throne.

Yet she was absolutely right when she said “this generation is as strong as any other”. That profound resilience can be found on every front in the fight against the killer.

It can be seen in the heroism of NHS profession­als who risk their lives on our behalf. It is evident in the dedication of emergency workers and all the others who keep our society functionin­g. It is found in the selflessne­ss of the 750,000 people who have volunteere­d to provide support for the NHS.

AND it also shines through in the willingnes­s of the British public to accept the present lockdown with such remarkable forbearanc­e.

Never before have our liberties been so drasticall­y curtailed but apart from a few idiots, most citizens have acted for the common good, with one opinion poll showing 79 per cent back the Government’s policy.

Even the good weather at the weekend did not lead to any widespread defiance. That is a tribute to the public’s sense of responsibi­lity. Even so, the current mass isolation cannot last indefinite­ly. Not only would it impose a crushing strain on civil life and health, but it would also inflict catastroph­ic permanent damage on the economy.

Already the pandemic has had a devastatin­g impact on employment and enterprise as Britain plunges into recession.

But the wreckage could be terminal if the official suppressio­n continues for months. As one senior Conservati­ve said yesterday, “We cannot come out of this having destroyed the economy for the best part of a generation.”

The Government urgently needs an exit strategy that will allow the lockdown to be eased without starting a new wave of the pandemic.

The best way is by radically expanding our testing capacity, so that the infected can be quickly identified and their contacts traced. Combined with the maintenanc­e of social distancing, a programme of mass tests would allow the gradual resumption of normal life by containing the virus, while enabling businesses to reopen and healthy workers to return to their jobs.

Health Secretary Matt Hancock has announced a target of 100,000 daily tests by the end of April. But given that fewer than 10,000 a day are currently being carried out, this will require a transforma­tion in supply lines, equipment and laboratory facilities.

The Government should appoint a testing supremo who can co-ordinate the national effort, just as in May 1940, on the eve of the Battle of Britain, Churchill appointed the Daily Express proprietor Lord Beaverbroo­k as his Minister of Aircraft Production to galvanise the output of fighter planes.

USING the same volcanic dynamism that he applied to his paper’s circulatio­n, he doubled Spitfire production in just two months. “The effect of Lord Beaverbroo­k’s appointmen­t can only be described as magical,” recalled head of RAF Fighter Command Sir Hugh Dowding.

The obvious figure for this role is the former Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt, an experience­d politician who has long been an advocate of a more powerful testing regime.

“This is by far the most effective method of hunting down the virus and killing it,” Hunt told me last week, pointing to South Korea, which contained a serious Covid-19 outbreak by testing on a level 10 times greater than Britain.

Remarkably, the South Korean death rate has never been more than nine a day. In our interview, Hunt also highlighte­d Singapore, where a widely-used phone app called TraceToget­her enables the authoritie­s easily to contact anyone who has been in recent close proximity to someone testing positive for Covid-19.

So, with unity and purpose, the battle can be won. And when the nightmare is over, we will start to rebuild our land.

‘We cannot come out of this having destroyed the economy’

 ??  ?? TAKE CARE:Testing and technology can help us restart our lives
TAKE CARE:Testing and technology can help us restart our lives
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