Daily Express

Crisis must have a lasting impact in a positive way

- Patrick O’Flynn Political commentato­r

WHAT are you most looking forward to doing once the coronaviru­s crisis is over? The chances are it will be something you enjoyed before – a pint in the pub with friends perhaps, or attending a sporting event, or going to the theatre or just having a family meal out.

Many of us will have found ourselves daydreamin­g during these endless lockdown days about “getting back to normal”.

But as the weekly applause for NHS staff cuts through the eerie silence of the streets again, another thought comes to mind: that perhaps we shouldn’t want everything to go back to just how it was.

Because those public displays of affection for health workers are a sign of something wider too – an appreciati­on of the importance of community and togetherne­ss. In my street and thousands like it, they serve as a moment of recognitio­n of the bonds we share as neighbours.

So how spirit-sapping would it be to reach for the convention­al response to paying off the huge costs of fighting this disease, lurching into a long round of austerity, just as we did after the financial crisis.

What message would that send to NHS staff, care home workers, bin men, bus drivers and countless others whom we have rightly showered with praise for keeping the country going in this time of peril?

That we didn’t really mean it and they should meekly return to being unsung heroes, many of whom struggle on meagre wages to afford life’s basics?

SO IT was welcome to hear Boris Johnson, in his Downing Street press conference on Thursday, rule out such a response, saying of austerity: “It will certainly not be part of our approach.”

Whether that will mean asking the wealthiest to put more into the kitty by way of tax in recognitio­n of the importance of funding the public realm, or issuing long-term bonds to smooth out the costs of Covid over several decades, or indeed simply presiding over a strong economic bounce-back that can generate huge extra revenues remains to be seen.

But the Prime Minister is surely right to discern that the country won’t tolerate yet more fraying of its social fabric.

Indeed, that great reform plan for the social care sector that the PM has been promising for so long needs to be accelerate­d rather than shoved on the back burner. A positive new social settlement would surely capture the spirit of the times.

We’ve also learned during this Covid crisis that it is miraculous­ly possible to rid the nation of the curse of street homelessne­ss. Whether that is because the normal red tape has been cut through to provide much more accommodat­ion than usual, or because more money has been poured into achieving that goal, or because the vast drop in town centre footfall has rendered begging redundant – or indeed because of a mixture of all three factors – is not really the point.

It has turned out that where there’s a will there’s a way. And that social willpower must now be sustained when it comes to tackling rough sleeping.

We will all have our own personal wish-lists for other things that should not go back to normal after Covid. Top of mine is that there should be zero tolerance of the filthy habit of spitting in public places – whether by footballer­s on the field of play or uncouth people on the streets or even, as has been highlighte­d several times in recent weeks, by yobs deliberate­ly taking aim at police officers. The so-called “rush hour” that so many of us have had to tolerate (“crush hour” would be a more accurate term) needs to be changed too. Clearly, roads and rail will always be busiest at the start of the working day but much more thought needs to be put into staggered start times and the possibilit­y of many more people working from home for one or more days a week. After they have suffered the horrific experience of seeing a killer plague sweep the nation, asking commuters to accept a return to cattle truck train carriages just won’t do.

AT A much more local level the millions of acts of kindness that have occurred under the radar within neighbourh­oods will hopefully have a lasting impact too, spreading more widely a community spirit that had evaporated from many places previously.

None of us knows quite when we will venture back towards our own “normality” again. But it would be foolish to pretend the curse of Covid will not have left a lasting impression. Much of that will be painful and negative. But the experience will also have taught us many lessons about who it was that we could really count on when the chips were down.

‘The country won’t tolerate yet more fraying of its social fabric’

 ??  ?? SIGN OF CHANGING TIMES: The public displays of affection for NHS signal something wider
SIGN OF CHANGING TIMES: The public displays of affection for NHS signal something wider
 ??  ??

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