Daily Express

Deep clean for post-Covid care


I KEEP reading stories about how hundreds of cancer patients could die because of delays in screening and treatment as hospitals are closed to everything but coronaviru­s care.

Scores of hospital wards are empty, operating theatres are shut and A&E attendance­s are down by more than 50 per cent.

Well, here’s an idea… As infection rates and hospital admissions are going down and because there are thousands of empty beds in Nightingal­e hospitals all over the country, why don’t we put ALL coronaviru­s patients in those.

Then we can deep-clean our regular hospitals to get them up and running again for people who have everything except coronaviru­s.

Now why wouldn’t that work?

■ SCARLETT Sabet, the 30-year-old poet girlfriend of 76-year-old Led Zeppelin guitarist, Jimmy Page, says in an interview in Tatler magazine that at the start of their relationsh­ip she felt a sense of shame: “I think a lot of people make assumption­s but Jimmy’s an exceptiona­l man and beautiful.”

Yes, she’s absolutely right, people DO make assumption­s about the 46-year age gap. And I’m wondering if Ms Sabet ever asks herself whether she’d still think Jimmy was quite so beautiful and exceptiona­l if he was an average 76-year-old bloke not the multimilli­onaire rock legend who affords her a life of unadultera­ted luxury?

Just asking…

I LET out a primal scream last week after reading that hairdresse­rs might be closed for another six months and then I turned on the TV to see Foreign Secretary, Dominic Raab, sporting a profession­al-looking new haircut. Now, I’ve checked – his wife, Erika, is in marketing and unless she’s the lovechild of John Freida and has cut it for him, I want to know how he can get a haircut and we can’t. And if Erika did do it – can she fit me in for a cut and blow dry next Tuesday?

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