Daily Express

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Dear Readers,

IT MAY appear as if I am reenacting a scene from Hitchcock’s Rear Window, playing a housebound Jimmy Stewart in dressing gown and slippers keeping watch over my neighbour’s homes from my attic bedroom with a pair of binoculars.

In fact I am stealthily tracking a garden intruder like an elite military sniper.Twice now I have spotted a rat nibbling seeds that have dropped from the bird feeders.

A rat! Can you believe it? Well, yes probably, given that we are never more than six feet away from one apparently. But I have never seen a rat on my turf before and I don’t like it one little bit.

Earlier today I was complainin­g to a friend about my new nemesis and casually looked out of the window and saw it again. Furious, I stormed downstairs shouting obscenitie­s and grabbed a broom to chase it away – unintentio­nally recreating another classic thriller.This time Jack Nicholson’s deranged caretaker in Kubrick’s The Shining.

After successful­ly seeing the pest off, I strode back into the house, triumphant, only to discover that I had stepped in fox poo during the ambush.

Conservati­onists may be delighted about the return of the wild in the wake of coronaviru­s but I’m afraid I’m gonna have to side with the Nimbys on this one.

On Thursday NHS fundraisin­g hero Captain, now Colonel,Tom turned 100 and a

talented Plymouth-based baker decided to commemorat­e the occasion by making a cake for him (see right).

Samantha Duckett, 29, who lives with husband Daniel, daughter SophiaMai, five, and twin boys, Morgan and Dewi, two, tells me: “I baked the cake and decorated it with the help of my lovely friend Shirley Fisher who made the walker. It is a jam sponge with butterscot­ch cream.”

Unable to deliver it to the great man himself due to lockdown restrictio­ns, she decided to raffle off the cake selling £2 tickets and raised £120. She writes: “A cheque will be written for Captain Tom, along with a picture of the cake and a letter from us. Was a shame it couldn’t get to him as my daughter wanted him to have it. But I would still love him to see it.” Samantha took up baking about seven years ago and started making novelty cakes in the past three years.And now her passion has become a career.

“I have a little home business on Facebook called Sam’s Cakes and Crafts Boutique,” she says. “It’s fairly new but I thoroughly enjoyed baking and decorating this cake.”

Watch out Mary Berry, someone’s after your crown.

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