Daily Express




Who was too freely foved to talk, and thereby ruined his political career.

Old Donald from his earliest years Found common sense was in arrears. And yet this scarcely caused a glitch, For Don was very, very rich.

His dad had shown financial flair Which left young Don a billionair­e.

Despite the defects of his brain, Young Donald ran the family chain Of hotels, properties, and such Though lacking in the Midas touch. He ran them right into the dust,

And many businesses went bust. Yet Donald felt no trace of shame, As he, quite brashly, passed the blame. Such flagrant self-assurance though Was perfect for a TV show.

He might have been non compos mentis,

But that was fine on

The Apprentice.

His fame grew huge, which some thought meant

He’d make a real good president.

They soon forgot all he had wrecked, And urged the country to elect

This bumptious chap with feet of clay As leader of the USA.

Soon his pronouncem­ents, always vague, Were shattered by the covid plague.

The limitation­s of his brain Revealed by that corona strain, Which first he said, in manner bold,

Was nothing but a sniffly cold.

And then, when tens of thousands died, He said: “Let’s disinfect inside,

We’ll soon restore the nation’s fettle, By drinking or injecting Dettol.” For all who followed that advice: A one-way trip to paradise.

But Don explained, in tones bombastic, His words were really just sarcastic. Yet none believed his blatant pose.

All through the land the cry arose, From east to west and north to south, Let’s build a wall – to close Don’s mouth.

The moral of the story’s clear: The world itself has much to fear And faces tragedy immense From presidenti­al lack of sense.

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