Daily Express




PEOPLE should wear face-coverings on public transport or in shops where social distancing is not always possible.

A scarf, home-made mask or shop-bought mask can be used to cover the nose and mouth, although it is not obligatory.

They should not be worn by the under-twos, young children who will find them hard to manage and those with respirator­y conditions.

People should wash their hands before putting them on and taking them off.

The government said surgicalgr­ade masks should be reserved for medical workers.

The government has published informatio­n to make your own face covering at www.gov.uk/government/publicatio­ns/how-to-wear-and-make-a-clothface-covering


WORKERS were told to return to their jobs – providing they cannot be done at home.

Food production, constructi­on, manufactur­ing, logistics, distributi­on and scientific research are all allowed to restart under the new lockdown rules.

But pubs, restaurant­s, hairdresse­rs, cinemas and clothes shops were all ordered to remain shut.

Office workers and anyone else who can work from home were told to carry on.

The government pointed out that everyone in work and paying taxes is helping to fund the NHS.

Detailed “Covid-19 Secure” guidance for businesses on how they can reduce the risk of infection among their workforces will be published this week.

Workers in shops that are classed as non-essential will not be back until June 1 at the earliest, while hospitalit­y and beauty businesses are being kept in lockdown until at least July 4.


MOST people should avoid public transport “where possible” as more begin returning to work.

Social distancing guidelines on trains and buses “must be followed rigorously” to prevent the virus spreading. The PM admitted capacity will be limited on trains and buses as a result.

Ministers say people should try to cycle, walk or drive instead.

Key workers are among those advised to avoid public transport if they can. The Government wants councils to widen pavements, create pop-up cycle lanes and also close the roads to traffic to allow more people to cycle.

Transport operations will be given new guidance later this week to ensure they are following social distancing guidelines.


OUTDOOR exercise can be taken as many times a day as desired under the new changes.

Team sports remain banned but tennis and fishing are now allowed.

People will also be able to play sports and exercise with a member of their own household or one person from another home as long as they maintain social distancing.

But flouting the guidelines carries tougher penalties, with fines starting at £100.


IT IS now possible to meet one family member at a location outside the home provided the parties maintain social distancing. Dominic

Raab said a person could meet two people at different times in a day, for example their mother in the morning and father later.

He clarified: “Outside, staying two metres apart.”


MOTORISTS can travel anywhere in England from tomorrow.

That means beach visits and even mountain-hiking are allowed, providing social distancing regulation­s are stuck to.

It is great news for families who do not live near parks or open spaces.

However, the new measures are only in place for England, so visits to beauty spots in Wales and Scotland are off the agenda.


THE over-70s, pregnant women and people with pre-existing health conditions should still minimise contact with others.

Ministers say “clinically vulnerable people should continue to take particular care to minimise contact with others outside their households”.


FINES for breaking lockdown laws will rise from £60 to £100 from tomorrow. First offenders will get a £50 discount if they pay up within 14 days. Penalties will double for each repeat offence up to a maximum £3,200.


IN ENGLAND garden centres can open their doors tomorrow.

Hundreds of nurseries and growers – many family businesses – have faced ruin as the market for seasonal plants shut down at a time when people normally flock to outlets to restock their gardens.

Horticultu­ral Trades Associatio­n chairman James Barnes has called for a compensati­on scheme to help “save our horticultu­ral industry”.


ALL internatio­nal arrivals to the UK must self-isolate for 14 days to prevent the virus “being reintroduc­ed from abroad”.

The new restrictio­ns – to be introduced soon – will cover those arriving by air, boat, rail or road.

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