Daily Express

Stagger shifts to keep staff safe bosses are told

- By Martyn Brown Senior Political Correspond­ent

BOSSES will have to limit the number of people in work places and stagger shift patterns as part of the new guidelines.

The Government said “for the foreseeabl­e future” employees should continue to work from home wherever possible, to minimise the number of people they come into contact with.

Bosses should carry out Covid-19 risk assessment­s of work places, ensure social distancing is maintained between workers who have to go in, reinforce cleaning processes, and stagger start times to lower the number of people who are in an office at any one time.


Employers have also been urged to create one-way walk-throughs, open more entrances and exits and changing seating layouts in break rooms. Prime Minister Boris Johnson said: “We are going to insist that businesses across this country look after their workers, are Covid secure, Covid compliant.

“The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) will be enforcing it and we will be having spot inspection­s to make sure employees are keeping their employees safe.

“It is up to workers to raise it with their employers and the HSE too.”

Businesses will also be expected to encourage workers to avoid commuting on public transport. This could mean adding bike storage facilities and changing rooms for cyclists, as well increasing the number of car parking spaces.

They will also be encouraged to keep offices well aired by using external extractor fans, after evidence showed that fresh air can reduce the risk of coronaviru­s spreading.

The Government has previously said employers should provide extra handwashin­g facilities and use floor markers to help people stay 2m apart.

The guidance last month stated: “Where it is not possible to remain 2m apart, staff should work side by side, or facing away from each other, rather than face to face if possible.”

Carolyn Fairbairn, directorge­neral of the CBI said: “Unless people feel safe, employees won’t return, customers will stay away and the restart will falter.”

 ??  ?? Protective measures...a barista behind screen in London yesterday
Protective measures...a barista behind screen in London yesterday

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