Daily Express

Murder probe after woman is found dying in pub’s car park


A MURDER investigat­ion has been launched after a woman was found fatally injured in the car park of a village gastropub.

Paramedics were called at 3.40pm on Saturday and discovered the victim, who was in her 40s, unconsciou­s outside the old coaching inn. She died in hospital on Sunday morning.

A man at the scene was also taken to hospital with an arm injury. Following treatment, he was arrested on suspicion of attempted murder.

He was then arrested on suspicion of murder when the woman died.


Last night the suspect, who is also in his 40s, was being questioned in police custody. Officers urged anyone with informatio­n to contact them.

Detective Chief Inspector Richard Dixey, of Dorset Police, said: “I am particular­ly keen to hear from anyone who witnessed any activity in the car park of the Horns Inn on the afternoon of May 9 and has not already spoken to police.

“I would also urge anyone who was driving in the area and has dash-cam fitted to their vehicle to check their footage.” The pub, in West Parley, is closed due to the lockdown. It is three

By John Twomey

miles from Bournemout­h and half a mile from the £1,295-a-year Dudsbury Golf Club.

A resident described hearing a commotion before emergency services arrived. The man, who is in his 70s and asked not to be named, said: “My wife and I were sitting in our garden and heard what sounded like a baby crying, which we thought was unusual for this area, but we didn’t really give it much thought.

“It was only when we heard the sirens and saw what had happened that we put two and two together and realised it could have been some sort of commotion in the pub car park.

“I’ve never seen police like it.There were sirens coming from every direction and loads of ambulances too.

“It’s really sad what’s happened – nothing like this has ever happened here before.”

In a separate drama, two men aged 24 and 27 are being quizzed on suspicion of murder after a body was found in bushes on an industrial estate in Wisbech, Cambridges­hire.

The victim, a local man aged 28, had suffered head injuries. Police said a member of the public made the grim discovery at 5.10am on Saturday.

 ??  ?? In lockdown... the gastropub in West Parley, Dorset. Neighbours heard cries from the car park
In lockdown... the gastropub in West Parley, Dorset. Neighbours heard cries from the car park
 ??  ?? Scene of attack...the car park at the inn, before it was shut for the lockdown
Scene of attack...the car park at the inn, before it was shut for the lockdown

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