Daily Express

Ex-GP goes for £1m tonight on Who Wants to Be a Millionair­e?

- By Mark Jefferies

FANS of Who Wants to Be a Millionair­e will be on their edge of their seats tonight as the Daily Express can reveal a contestant is in line to win the ultimate jackpot.

Retired GP Andrew Townsley will become the sixth person to win the maximum prize on the ITV show if he can answer the final £1million question.

Viewers will see him correctly answer 14 questions, taking him up to £500,000, before host Jeremy Clarkson puts him well and truly on the hot spot.

The show has been prerecorde­d and the Express knows what happens next, but viewers will have to tune into ITV at 9pm to find out the outcome. Before the broadcast Andrew, who appears on screen in a wheelchair as he has progressiv­e multiple sclerosis, said: “It felt great to be there, if a bit surreal to be honest.

“As I was progressin­g in the hot seat, all I could think about was this is all going very quickly!

“When you apply to be on Who Wants to Be a Millionair­e? you always dream that you’d have the opportunit­y to answer that £1million question. I knew winning a large sum of money would make my life a lot more comfortabl­e.”

Clarkson, 60, replaced Chris Tarrant, 73, as the host of the show in 2018. In recent weeks it has been discussed by millions of TV fans as the drama Quiz re-enacted the famous episode in 2001 when Major Charles Ingram cheated his way to the jackpot thanks to correct answers being given to him via coughs from the audience.

Last week Clarkson said people who played it safe on the show were boring. He added: “There’s no point doing the show and going away with £8,000.You’re just wasting the viewers’ time.

“You’re there to win a lot of money, that’s the whole point of the show. A lot of contestant­s set it at £32,000. I think the fact it was there historical­ly plays a part in people’s thinking. It’s also a sensible place to set it for most people – £32,000 is a lot of money.”

● Who Wants To Be A Millionair­e is on ITV tonight at 9pm.

 ??  ?? Host...Clarkson likes risk-takers
Host...Clarkson likes risk-takers

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