Daily Express


Queen of the oche has to play it safe with kidney condition

- By Mike Walters ●

FALLON SHERROCK is scared to go out – even when lockdown is loosened – because a kidney illness has left her in the coronaviru­s high-risk category.

The first lady of darts meets 16-time world champion Phil ‘The Power’ Taylor in the match-up fans want to see on Thursday.

But the former hairdresse­r, who cut Ted Evetts and Mensur Suljovic down to size in the World Championsh­ips at Alexandra Palace in December, has become a virtual recluse since the pandemic came calling.

And even if the virus is brought under control, Sherrock will exercise her own social distancing in future – admitting she will feel uneasy about shaking hands and joining in with the fist-bumping, highfiving palaver of playing on stage.

In the latest – and most intriguing – Paddy Power challenge match on an interactiv­e


Nexus board and streamed on social media, Taylor and Sherrock go head-to-head in their living rooms to raise money for the NHS Heroes charity.

Taylor’s two special challenge matches against Raymond van Barneveld and Mikuru Suzuki have already raised £26,200. He has never lost to Sherrock but her greatest concern remains her health – and how vulnerable she remains to catching the virus because of a chronic kidney condition that developed six months after giving birth to her six-year-old son, Rory. Sherrock said: “The only thing I worry about is if they lift the restrictio­ns and don’t have it under control.

“If there is no cure for it and they are still trying to manage it, my worries will come in – especially with a kidney problem. I’m hoping they won’t do that without any secure informatio­n behind that decision.

“I went to the Isle of Man a week before the lockdown but I have hardly been out since then.

“I catch colds so easily. I know if I go out and someone has got it, I will get it. I know I will catch it very quick. I will just stay in.”

Sherrock held triple Lakeside world champion Glen Durrant to a 6-6 draw as a Premier League guest challenger at Nottingham, just before sport was shut down.

She fears the tactile age of interactio­n with fans may fall by the wayside when tournament­s resume, admitting: “I will definitely take a bit more care.

“I won’t be getting too close to people when we eventually get back to normal. I will still be very cautious in terms of shaking people’s hands, keeping my distance.”

Phil Taylor v Fallon Sherrock takes place on Thursday at 7pm on Sky Sports and Paddy Power social media channels.

 ?? Picture: SIMON COOPER ?? VULNERABLE: Sherrock says she will take no risks even if normal service is resumed
Picture: SIMON COOPER VULNERABLE: Sherrock says she will take no risks even if normal service is resumed
 ??  ?? HOME DUEL: Veteran Taylor takes on Sherrock
HOME DUEL: Veteran Taylor takes on Sherrock

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