Daily Express

The nearly-there millionair­e

- By Mark Jefferies

A CONTESTANT who last night reached the £1million question on Who Wants To Be A Millionair­e? insists he is happy with his decision not to answer it.

Retired GP Andrew Townsley left the show with £500,000 despite guessing that “D” was the correct response.

He would have been the first person in 14 years – and the sixth in the show’s history – to have won the top prize. The question was: “In the history of motor sport, which of these iconic races was held first? A) Le Mans 24 hours; B) Monaco Grand Prix; C) Indy 500; or D) Isle of Man TT.”

Andrew, 53, who had answered the previous 14 questions correctly, told show host Jeremy Clarkson he was unsure.

He used his last lifeline – “phone a friend” – to ask pal Ailsa if she knew. When she said she didn’t, he took the £500,000, saying it would be “foolish to go on a whim”. If he had answered incorrectl­y, his winnings would have plunged to £64,000.


Afterwards, Jeremy asked him what he would have said and he replied, correctly, “D”. Jeremy called him a “fabulous contender”.

Andrew, who has multiple sclerosis and uses a wheelchair, said afterwards: “I felt excited and hopeful when I reached the million pound question. I was obviously disappoint­ed that neither of us felt confident enough to give a definite, and winning, answer. Do I regret not going for it? Hindsight is fantastic but I am very happy with the choice I made at the time.”

He added: “I said on the show that my wife and I fancied seeing Niagara Falls. So, I’d like to plan to visit sights like that where you could get to, in a big old wheelchair. Machu Picchu and Angkor Wat would be fantastic but no longer on our personal list.”

He filmed his episode at the end of last year, before the coronaviru­s pandemic, and watched it last night from his home in Glasgow.

He hopes to give some of the money to a charity he supports, but he admitted: “Unfortunat­ely my condition means I have to make future plans for my care, and this will make planning more straightfo­rward.”

Who Wants To Be A Millionair­e? is on ITV at 9pm all this week.

 ?? Pictures: ITV ??
Pictures: ITV

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