Daily Express

Fast food is back on the menu

- By Steph Spyro

TOP fast food chains including McDonald’s and Burger King are reopening this week after being shuttered almost two months.

The move comes after the Government said it was safe to get back to business as long as social distancing measures are in place.

McDonald’s will take delivery-only orders at 15 stores from today and aims to open 30 more sites for drive-through next week.

There will be a £25 per card spending limit for customers at the drive-throughs – with people being advised to pay using contactles­s methods wherever possible.

The company is hoping to get all 1,250 of its stores across the UK back up and running by early June.

McDonald’s UK and Ireland chief executive Paul Pomroy said: “We are asking all of our employees to adapt to how our restaurant­s now work and will only reopen at a pace that enables them to work safely.

“As we get accustomed to the new processes and procedures, we will look to reopen more restaurant­s, for longer hours and reintroduc­e more menu items.”

Subway opened 600 stores yesterday for takeaway and third-party delivery services like Just Eat and Uber Eats.

The sandwich chain shut its doors on March 23 but reopened a small number of its stores to serve NHS staff and other key workers.

The chain announced a phased reopening of its 2,600 sites in the UK and Ireland, focusing on maintainin­g social distancing measures.

UK & Ireland director Colin Hughes said: “We have slowly and safely introduced a new store operating framework that will be rolling out to protect guests, sandwich artists, delivery drivers and our suppliers.”

Burger King said on Monday 72 branches would offer drive-through or delivery from next week, on top of the 50 stores currently open for delivery and drive-through.

The burger giant pledged to reopen 20 branches every week until all 500 UK stores are back in business.

Other big chains, including diner KFC and coffee shop Costa, have also begun reopening sites.

 ??  ?? Burger King is among chains reopening sites
Burger King is among chains reopening sites

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