Daily Express

Adele looks great, no one likes being fat, claims Sharon

- By Mark Jefferies

SHARON Osbourne has praised Adele’s new look – and accused overweight women of fibbing when they say they are happy with their size.

The former X Factor judge spoke out after the singer showed off her slimmer figure on Instagram. Sharon, 67, said: “She looks absolutely fantastic. She didn’t do it for anybody else but herself. And so everybody should be happy for her.” Speaking on a US chat show, Sharon – who once shed eight stone with a gastric bypass op – said many larger women were not telling the truth when talking about their size. “When these women say that they are really happy in their body I don’t believe them,” she said.

“My body was really, really big but I wasn’t happy. Sure on the surface, but at night in bed alone I was very unhappy.

“When I was 100 pounds overweight I used to feel comfortabl­e when I was with bigger women. We never spoke about it but there was this underlying connection.

“Mine was kind of a shield and I loved it because every guy was my friend and I was never a threat to any woman. And I used to have the best time with guys as it was, ‘Bring Sharon, she is good for a laugh’.”

Adele posted a pic of herself applauding key workers while wearing a figure-hugging black dress on her 32nd birthday last week.

She is believed to have lost up to seven stone by dieting and taking up pilates and gym sessions with a personal trainer.

Adele, who now lives in California following her split with husband Simon Konecki, told an interviewe­r in 2012 she didn’t feel pressure to be a “skinny-minnie”.

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PRAISE: Adele and Sharon
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