Daily Express

If you only buy one thing this week…

Each week our experts Dr AAMER KHAN and LESLEY REYNOLDS bring you the latest beauty news and anti-ageing advice


WE’VE always believed that some of the best beauty tips and tricks come from bygone eras. In the past, women had to be a lot more creative to find ways of looking after their skin and hair, and some of their timeless tips remain as effective as ever. Here we reveal our favourites.


Legendary 1920s screen icon Joan Crawford chewed gum in the belief it firmed up her jaw. Chewing gum is a form of facial exercise, which increases blood circulatio­n and tones up the jaw muscles.

Chewing sugarless gum after meals increases saliva production, helping to prevent tooth decay. Chewing gum can also reduce stress and if you chew while performing tasks it can improve various aspects of brain function including alertness, memory, understand­ing and decision-making.


Back in the 1940s, a favourite trick of Rita Hayworth (right) was to shampoo hair, apply olive oil to the ends and wrap it in a towel

Give lockdown skin a lift and cheat a sun-kissed glow. Applied daily, Green People Gradual Tan Moisturise­r, £17.50 (greenpeopl­e.co.uk) delivers a subtle natural tan and doesn’t clog pores.

It contains a blend of rosehip seed oil, green tea and prebiotics to help soften the appearance of pores and imperfecti­ons while calming any redness or inflammati­on, leaving skin plumped and dewy.

for 15 minutes. After, she would rinse with hot water and lemon juice to boost shine.

Naturally packed with anti-ageing antioxidan­ts and hydrating squalene, olive oil is great for restoring strength and sheen to your hair. It is also rich in vitamins A and E, which help

lock in moisture.


Audrey Hepburn (right) started the trend in the 50s when she revealed she performed her own steam facial twice a week to keep her skin looking clear. Steaming helps to cleanse, hydrate and boost radiance. It will also allow your skin to better absorb skincare products. Simply boil water and pour into a heat-safe ceramic bowl.

Lean over the bowl, making sure you are not too close, with a towel over the back of your head and allow the steam to rise into your pores for a few minutes. May not be suitable if you have rosacea or very sensitive skin.


Women used to crush rose petals until they produced a liquid they could dab onto cheeks and lips for a natural rosy glow.

This still works as rose

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