Daily Express


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petals are rich in antioxidan­ts and vitamin C.They also have great skin benefits and can help fade blemishes.Vitamin C also helps to boost collagen production and strengthen­s the skin cells and tissues.

Mix the petal liquid with some lip balm to create extra staying power.You can also use rose petals to make a skin toner. Boil petals in water for 10 minutes and allow to cool before dabbing over your face.


Vaseline was first patented in the US in 1872 and women have used it as an all-purpose cleanser and moisturise­r for decades.

Marilyn Monroe loved to use it

Tealight holders, £29.50, oliverbona­s. com as a primer and Bette Davies used it under her eyes to help prevent puffiness and dark circles.

Vaseline makes a great overnight mask for hands. Simply slather on thickly, put on some cotton gloves and you’ll wake up with baby soft skin and nourished cuticles.


Legend has it that Cleopatra regularly bathed in milk to keep her skin soft and moisturise­d.

There are plenty of beauty benefits when it comes to adding milk-based ingredient­s to your beauty routine.

A tub of milk powder can be picked up for around £3. Add a couple of drops of your favourite essential oil along with the milk powder and soak for 10 minutes to reap the benefits.


Before the shelves were stacked with different types of hair conditioni­ng masks and boosters, many women used beer to condition their locks.

Beer contains vitamins

Hammock, £44, amara. com

QI’VE suddenly developed lots of broken capillarie­s around my nose and some on my cheeks. What’s causing them?

ABROKEN capillarie­s are enlarged blood vessels just beneath the surface of the skin. They often form in a spider-like pattern and are caused by either skin trauma, like squeezing a pimple or from taking hot showers, eating spicy foods, drinking too much alcohol or being too harsh with your skin.

Genetics also play a part and they’re more common in anyone with sensitive skin, acne or rosacea. Rosehip oil may help reduce some of the redness until you can see a skin expert, as the best remedy is to zap them with IPL (intense pulsed light).

and minerals that boost volume, plus natural sugars to give hair extra shine. Open a beer and allow it to go flat.After shampooing and conditioni­ng, soak your hair in the beer, wrap in a heated towel and leave it for a few minutes before rinsing through and styling as normal.


Despite rationing in the 1930s, some women mixed their sugar allowance with a little warm water, olive oil and lemon juice to act as a skin exfoliator.

Sugar draws moisture from the environmen­t into the skin so helps hydrate it. It is also a natural source of glycolic acid, which encourages cell turnover and generates younger-looking skin. Mix with coconut or olive oil and use in the shower.


In the Sixties, a trick to get a rosy glow was to use strawberri­es.The fruit’s colouring left a natural rosy hue, helping even skin tone.

Strawberri­es are packed with vitamin C, known for boosting skin health and making skin supple and smooth. Plus they contain salicylic acid which is good for exfoliatin­g dead cells and treating blackheads.

Mash four strawberri­es with some warm water, then using a cotton pad gently rub the mixture over the skin in a circular motion. Rinse off and moisturise.

For advice on cosmetic surgery, consult your GP. For more of Lesley’s tips, visit lesleyreyn­olds.com Compiled by ELIZABETH ARCHER

Cushion, £12, johnlewis.com

Chiminea, £70, wilko.com

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 ??  ?? Pitcher, £29.99, maxwelland williams.co.uk
Pitcher, £29.99, maxwelland williams.co.uk
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