Daily Express



Farming: Spring At Jimmy’s Farm, C4, 8.05pm

Nobody will ever forget the spring of 2020. People across all generation­s of the population have seen life change monumental­ly over the course of the last three months. It is certainly a time in Jimmy Doherty’s life that it will be hard to shake from his memory. Here, a small camera crew follows Doherty (left) and his team during these difficult times as they tend to 280 acres of land on his Suffolk farm and care for a wide variety of animals, from sheep and pigs to camels and meerkats. Hopefully one day soon this page will again be filled with previews for Jimmy’s Friday Night Feast show with his great friend Jamie Oliver and some celebrity guests.

Current Affairs: Tonight, ITV, 7.30pm

The intrepid Tonight team have certainly had plenty to get their teeth into during the lockdown. Julie Etchingham (left), Helen Skelton and the team have covered every imaginable angle of the Coronaviru­s crisis, from the effect on supply chains to survivors’ stories. The focus tonight is money. With pay cuts, job losses and businesses shut down for weeks, the financial impact is hitting people hard. Skelton investigat­es the best ways for people to save a bit of money.

Economics: The Martin Lewis Money Show, ITV, 8pm

And the award for best makeshift television studio built inside someone’s home goes to... Martin Lewis. Talk about impressive, Mr Lewis. In his plush surroundin­gs tonight, the financial guru (above) presents another live special in which he and Angellica Bell will be examining how coronaviru­s could affect finances, and taking viewers’ questions on specific issues relating to these hard times.

Transport: Paddington: A Year On The Tracks, Channel 5, 9pm

Documentar­y following 12 months at Paddington train station and on the Western network, as told by the staff, engineers, drivers and signallers who keep the railway running. Cheltenham races sees thousands of extra passengers arrive – many of whom fancy an early morning tipple – while chaos ensues when a passenger chases a fraudster round the station.

Film: Four Weddings And A Funeral, Film4, 9pm

Treat yourself tonight. Lockdown has been hard on everyone and the nation needs to go back to cherishing the good things in life. Empty the snack cupboard, chocolate drawer or whichever compartmen­t you hide all the goodies in and get yourself set for a film night. It might only be Thursday but does it matter? Enjoy a wonderful rom-com that changed British cinema. For those who do not know, it is a love story involving Hugh Grant and Andie MacDowell (both right).

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