Daily Express

Classic start for racing in early summer

- by David Yates

THE 2,000 and 1,000 Guineas will be run on the first weekend of the coronaviru­sravaged 2020 Flat season.

In the wake of Boris Johnson’s COVID-19 lockdown update last Sunday, the British Horseracin­g Authority, initially hopeful of resuming in mid-May, pencilled in June 1 for racing’s restart.

And the Newmarket Classics, moved last month to June 6 and 7 are to remain on those revised dates, the BHA announced yesterday.

The news means that connection­s seeking a Guineas tune-up must go overseas, and Roger Charlton, trainer of Quadrilate­ral, the 4-1 favourite for the 1,000 Guineas, said: “It may not suit some, but we have to eat what’s put in front of us.

“I wasn’t planning on having a prep with her. She seems fine and she seems happy.”

The Investec Derby and Oaks, which will be run at its traditiona­l Epsom home this year after plans to restrict public access to the course were approved on Tuesday evening, is also set to stay on its revised date of July 4.

The Coral-Eclipse is due to take place the following day and is likely to be restricted to four-year-olds and upwards.

“It will be without crowds and hospitalit­y, but the Coral-Eclipse is our flagship sponsorshi­p and we are keen for it to take place,” said the Stratford firm’s Simon Clare. Royal Ascot remains scheduled to take place between June 16 and 20.

❑ SIMEEN is as short as 4-1 second favourite for the Poule d’Essai des Pouliches (French 1,000 Guineas) at Longchamp on 1 June after a comeback win at Chantilly.

 ??  ?? CHAMPION: Magna Grecia won last season’s 2,000 Guineas
CHAMPION: Magna Grecia won last season’s 2,000 Guineas

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