Daily Express

Quarantine rules too little too late


THIS Government has made some catastroph­ic mistakes in the Covid-19 crisis but why in the name of blue blazes are they going to impose a two-week quarantine on people coming or returning here from abroad?

At a time infection rates are plummeting to the point where a few cities this week had zero infections on some days – it makes no sense. Had they done it at the start when people from all over the world were pouring into Britain with no checks – we’d have all said “Great move.”

To start it in June when the Government’s message is to re-open the country and get back to our new normal, it smacks of shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted.

What would make sense is to give everyone coming here one of Matt Hancock’s new 20 minute tests to see if they have the virus. Those who test positive isolate – those who don’t carry on as normal.

CAPRICE Bourret, who claims to be 48 (is that all?) says she is desperatel­y missing her Botox injections during lockdown.

“I’m having some as soon as it’s over,” says the Dancing On Ice star.

She shouldn’t worry.

I think she’s got more than enough in that very lovely, but very still, face of hers to keep her going through another TEN lockdowns.

NICOLE Kidman is wearing a Moon Boot after she fell into a big pothole in the road and turned her ankle. Husband, country and western singer Keith Urban, says: “I’ve got to say her spirit’s been amazing. She’s handling it way better than I would have.” It’s a twisted ankle for goodness sake – not cancer. Or in Tinseltown does coping with a fat ankle count as one of life’s major setbacks which requires much fortitude and a spell in therapy?

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