Daily Express

Give us a break! We need it after a long lockdown


THE news that Britain is now close to striking deals that will allow us to go on a summer holiday abroad through the so-called air bridges to safe countries shows we are truly coming out of this crisis.

It is probably accurate to describe the Government’s approach as edging closer to normality rather than rushing in leaps and bounds to end lockdown. But caution is and always has been the right approach.

Indeed the Prime Minister understand­s just how serious this disease is after it almost took his life, and clearly left him in ill health and tired until this week.

A second wave and rapid rise in infection rates would be calamitous so we understand why leading scientists are urging restraint. But for the sake of the economy, the wider benefit of society and good health, some return to normality is needed.

Part of that must be going on holiday. People need a break after being virtual prisoners in their own homes for months.

We also saw the determinat­ion of the Government to have all children back to school by September. This is absolutely right. In these circumstan­ces ministers must bite the bullet. They cannot sacrifice the education and life chances of millions of teenagers who have A-levels and GCSEs.

If education lockdown went on as long as the SNP in Scotland seemed to be suggesting with part-time education for more than a year, then we could ruin the chances of a generation of children.

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