Daily Express

Those shielding showed best of British

- MATT HANCOCK Health Secretary

THANKS to the patience and sacrifice of the British people we are making real progress in our battle against coronaviru­s.

Infections are falling, the NHS is restoring, and the virus is in retreat.

In this battle, there’s one group who have been more patient and given up more than almost any other, and that’s the 2.2 million people who have been shielding.

Many Express readers will be shielding, or will know people who have been shielding, and have seen first hand how tough this has been.

I know that not leaving your house for months, not seeing people you care about, not being able to wander to the park for some fresh air is not easy.

However, these measures have been vital in slowing the spread of the virus.

The rate of infection is falling – yesterday we saw the number of new cases falling below 1,000 for the first time since lockdown began.

As a result, we can allow our guidelines for the shielded to be carefully and safely eased, in two stages.

First, from July 6, those shielding from coronaviru­s can gather in groups of up to six people outdoors, and those who live alone or are single parents can form “support bubbles” with another household. Then, from August 1, we will pause shielding. We will still be advising people to stay at home as much as possible and to minimise contact with others outside their household. But we are advising that people who are shielding can go out to more places and see more people, for example going to the shops, if they can maintain social distancing.

Throughout this pandemic, we have put in place an unpreceden­ted package of support for those who are shielding, and we will make sure that they remain protected.

If you are receiving centrally provided food boxes or medicine deliveries this will continue until the end of July.

Meanwhile, those who have registered for priority supermarke­t delivery slots will retain their status, and those who need help with their daily tasks can still get it, through our army of NHS Volunteer Responders.

I want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has shielded, as well as to anyone who has helped to protect those who need it the most. You have shown the best of British, and your fortitude and selflessne­ss has well and truly saved lives.

 ??  ?? Mr Hancock has hailed the patience of shielders
Mr Hancock has hailed the patience of shielders

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