Daily Express


- PROFESSOR KAROL SIKORA CMO of Rutherford Cancer Centres and Former Director of WHO Cancer Programme

SOCIAL media’s voice of calm Karol Sikora has been signed up by the Daily Express. Readers can now enjoy his soothing advice in these troubled times, which has won him hundreds of thousands of followers on Twitter. If you need reassuring everything’s going to be all right read Professor Positivity.

WE HAVE neglected our mental health for too long in this country. We’ve all been guilty of it. I know I have.

There is no question that our mental wellbeing has taken a battering over the past few months.

Locked away from friends and family, millions have suffered as a result.

I’ve certainly made more of an effort recently to take better care of my mind, with some success. Here are a few tips which may sound obvious but have helped me enormously.

Get a good night’s sleep. It’s all too easy to get stuck into a book, box set or stuck on social media. But getting at least six hours of sleep is crucial. Try to avoid screens for an hour or so before bedtime. You’d be surprised how much it helps.

Eat well. It may be a cliché, but you are what you eat. Of course, a treat here and there won’t do any harm, but getting in your fruit and vegetables every day helps both your mind and body. Cut down on the alcohol. Easier said than done, I know! During lockdown plenty more wine and beer has been consumed.

Try to get it moderated, although a few glasses of wine at the weekend isn’t the end of the world.

Keep active. Not everyone can run 10km, but even just getting out of the house for a small walk is good for the mind.

Most importantl­y, talk about it. We’re all guilty of bottling up our emotions and it just ends up hurting those we are closest to. If something is bothering you, talk about it. It really helps.

It’s been a torrid few months for many. So, a little positivity and kindness can do wonders now we’re getting our old lives back.

 ??  ?? Keep active... even taking a small walk is good for your mind
Keep active... even taking a small walk is good for your mind
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