Daily Express


The UK vitamin sector is booming. Worth an estimated £422 million, 60 per cent of Brits took a supplement last year, with a third of us taking one every day. But what do you need to take and when? MICHELE O’CONNOR has the lowdown



The general consensus is that we can get all the vitamins and minerals we need from a wellbalanc­ed diet.And there’s no discernibl­e evidence that taking a supplement will reduce your risk of conditions like heart disease or help you live longer.

Leeds GP Dr Gary Bartlett explains: “The evidence for the actual health benefits of taking a supplement is rather limited and most people can meet their nutritiona­l needs with a wellbalanc­ed and healthy diet.

“Eating fruit, vegetables and whole grains with the correct amount of protein and carbohydra­tes will be way more beneficial in maintainin­g good health over taking a supplement.”

But in the real world this is not always the case, warns Dr Sarah Brewer, GP, nutritioni­st and medical director of Healthspan. “Diet should always come first, but the National Diet and Nutrition Surveys consistent­ly show that significan­t numbers of the population do not get all the vitamins and minerals they need from their food.”

This could be due to poor diet choices, such as relying on processed foods or not eating enough fruit and veg, or other factors such as eliminatin­g food groups due to dislikes or for ethical reasons. Other vulnerable groups include those on a restrictiv­e weight loss plan; older people whose nutrient absorption is less efficient, and menstruati­ng girls at risk of low iron levels. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, our diet fails to provide us with everything we need, suggests Rob Hobson, nutritioni­st and author. “Vegans, for instance, are likely to benefit from taking a vitamin B12 supplement as this nutrient isn’t found in many plant foods. And if you’re not managing to eat your five-a-day or oily fish, then you should consider taking a daily multivitam­in and mineral.”


“Quality is key,” explains Dr Brewer. “Look for products made to a pharmaceut­ical standard known as Good Manufactur­ing Practice (GMP).This tests products for purity and consistenc­y of dose at every stage of manufactur­e and is usually mentioned as a quality point on manufactur­ers ‘about us’ webpage.

“You can also try searching on the internet for the name of your chosen brand plus the term ‘GMP’.”


Vitamin and mineral supplement­s sold in high-street pharmacies or from trusted online retailers offer quality and value for money, says Dr Brewer. “As with many things,

you get what you pay for. Check labels to compare levels of ingredient­s between brands and that you are buying a quality product.”


Whether you take a tablet, liquid, capsule, gummies or spray is really down to personal choice, says Dr Brewer. “Although, in general, a tablet will provide a wider range of vitamins and minerals than a gummy or spray.”


“Although the risk of serious interactio­ns is low, it is important to check with a pharmacist or doctor if you have a medical condition or if you are taking any prescribed or over-the-counter drugs,” advises Dr Brewer.

Also check before taking any supplement­s if you are pregnant, or planning to be, or if you are breastfeed­ing. “The risk of side effects is low as long as you do not exceed the manufactur­er’s recommende­d daily intake.”


“There is a wide safety margin between what most supplement­s deliver and what would be required to cause side effects or toxic reactions,” Dr Brewer says. “If taking a multivitam­in, be careful about taking additional supplement­s that include fat soluble vitamins

A, D, E and K as these can be stored in the body and accumulate to toxic levels when intakes are too high.”

And because all minerals can be toxic in excess, don’t exceed doses or mix and match supplement­s that contain minerals. Those most likely to cause problems in excess are iron, selenium, zinc and magnesium. TIPS ON TAKING VITAMINS ● Most vitamin and mineral supplement­s are best taken immediatel­y after food and with water to avoid nausea or indigestio­n. (Even a few bites of food or a glass of orange juice will suffice).

● Don’t wash them down with coffee or tea, which can interfere with absorption of minerals such as iron and zinc.

● Fat soluble substances (e.g. co-enzyme Q10, evening primrose oil, fish oils, vitamin E) are best taken with food containing fat (e.g. milk). If taking a fish oil that causes fishy burps, try emulsifyin­g the oil by shaking your dose with a little milk to increase absorption and reduce aftertaste.

● One-a-day supplement­s are best taken after your evening meal because repair processes and mineral movements in your body are greatest at night, when growth hormone is secreted.

● Where taking two or more tablets/capsules of the same preparatio­n daily, spreading them over the day maximises absorption and evens out blood levels.


“Herbal products can vary in quality,” warns Dr Chris Etheridge, Chair of the British Herbal Medicine Associatio­n.

“Recent research revealed that 30-40 per cent of the milk thistle and echinacea herbal and food supplement­s on the market were of substandar­d quality. Some even appeared not to contain the listed herb.

“However, Traditiona­l Herbal Registrati­on (THR) medicines were 100 per cent accurate in containing the right herb in the correct amount.

“Always look for herbal medicines that display THR on the pack to ensure you are buying high quality, safe products.”

For more informatio­n on THR herbs visit bhma.info

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