Daily Express



ECONOMISTS have called for every adult to be given a £500 voucher to help save Britain’s high streets.

Chancellor Rishi Sunak was urged to consider announcing the generous giveaway in his mini-budget on Wednesday.

The Resolution Foundation think tank said the proposal, which includes giving children £250, would help the economy bounce back as it would be targeted only at the areas that are facing collapse. Research director James Smith said the scheme would cost £30billion over 12 months and be more effective than cutting VAT. He said: “The Chancellor should get Britain spending in places where it’s needed most.

“A universal High Street Voucher scheme to be spent only in these sectors would kickstart demand in the right parts of our economy, boost living standards and deliver targeted support to the businesses that need help.” Mr Sunak will announce an increase in Jobcentre staff in a financial statement that will focus on unemployme­nt. The number of work coaches will double from 13,500 to 27,000 at a cost of more than £800million.

A Treasury spokesman said it would, “ensure those in need are given immediate support to get back on their feet and into a job”.

He added: “Work coaches will use their expert advice to support claimants to make the most of their skills and put them in the best possible position to reconnect with the local labour market.

“Evidence shows that high-quality, work-focused, one-to-one adviser support, significan­tly reduces jobseekers’ barriers to work.”

 ??  ?? Effective...boss James Smith supports idea
Effective...boss James Smith supports idea

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