Daily Express

Tragic facts behind fall in deaths

- By Jemma Crew

MORTALITY rates may have fallen below average because coronaviru­s brought forward the deaths of many older and vulnerable people, the Office for National Statistics believes.

More than 55,000 fatalities attributed to Covid-19 have been recorded in the UK during the outbreak.

The elderly and those with pre-existing health conditions have been hardest hit.

The ONS said: “The disease has had a larger impact on those most vulnerable (for example, those who already suffer from a medical condition) and those at older ages.

“Some of these deaths would have likely occurred over the duration of the year but have occurred earlier because of the coronaviru­s.

“These deaths occurring earlier than expected could mean we start to see a period of deaths below the fiveyear average.”

The figures showed that deaths involving coronaviru­s had dropped in all but one region in England and Wales in the week ending June 26.

In the North-east there were two more deaths registered compared with the previous week.

All regions except the Northwest, East Midlands and Northeast saw overall registered deaths below numbers usually expected at this time of year.

For the sixth week running, the number of deaths involving Covid-19 was highest in the North-west.

The East Midlands had the highest proportion of deaths involving Covid-19 – 11.1 per cent.

Overall in England and Wales, there were 606 Covid-related deaths in the week up to June 26 – the lowest since March 27.

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