Daily Express

Snack to the future

Research shows we’re a nation of nibblers, with snacking up 40 per cent since lockdown. Nutritioni­st JENNA HOPE explains how to ditch mindless grazing and turn this into a healthy habit

- For more advice visit jennahopen­utrition.com

WHEN A new report from Guy’s and St Thomas’s revealed that snacking had increased by 40 per cent among young people, few were surprised.The coronaviru­s pandemic has been stressful and being stuck at home means we’re surrounded by food all day long. But why is it causing us to snack more and what can we do to make sure the food we eat between meals is healthy?

“People snack more because of two reasons, their environmen­t and their situation,” explains nutritioni­st Jenna Hope. “If you are working in or close to the kitchen, food becomes much more accessible compared to when you’re in an office.

“If your partner or housemate is constantly snacking then you’ll be more inclined to snack too.This is because part of the digestion process is looking at food and smelling it before it enters your mouth, so when someone else is tucking in, it starts the digestion process in your brain.”

BUT the spike in snacking is not only down to the fact we can access our fridge and cupboards whenever we like.The uniquely stressful situation that has been brought about by a global pandemic has a large role to play.

“When people are stressed they tend to go for high sugar and high fat snacks,” says Jenna. “That’s because those foods dampen down the release of the stress hormone cortisol.This means that while you’re eating them, you’re not feeling as stressed.”

While some people can stick to eating just three meals a day, others are snackers.

However, it’s not eating between meals that is the problem, it’s what is being eaten.

“Snacking can help sustain energy levels and keep you motivated and focused. You’re working and using your brain so you will need energy, but it’s about picking the right snacks.”

Follow these tips to transform your snacking habits.


“As soon as we get in the habit of grazing throughout the day that habit is set and we’re more likely to pick up food,” says Jenna. “One snack mid-morning and midafterno­on on top of regular meals should be enough. If you’re still hungry, look at your meals.Are you eating enough? Do your meals contain enough protein?”


Write down how you feel or what has happened after you have snacked. “See if there are specific triggers,” says Jenna. “Are you stressed, has someone sent an unkind email, have you just walked past the fridge to let the dog out?When you identify triggers and become more aware of your snacking behaviours, you can deal with them.


If we fill cupboards with crisps, chocolate and biscuits, that’s what we’ll eat. If you keep only healthy options in your house, then your willpower won’t be tested. “A lot of people say they have treats for

their children or because their partner likes them, but the truth is no one in your house needs to be consuming high sugar snacks regularly,” says Jenna.

“If you want a bar of chocolate or a slice of cake every so often that’s fine. Sit down and enjoy it, but having it on a daily basis isn’t necessary for anyone.”


A lot of people jump up from mealtimes and grab a sweet snack, says Jenna.They don’t allow themselves to digest properly.

“Do you really want it? Do you need it? Are you full? More often or not it’s a habit.Take time to think about what you need in order to reduce mindless grazing.

“Acknowledg­e your appetite will fluctuate so you will feel hungrier some days. It’s OK to respond to hunger, just make sure you’re filling up with nutritious food rather than another biscuit.”


“When you’re eating sweet foods, you create a blood sugar spike,” says Jenna. “Then your blood sugar levels fall and you’re much more likely to crave sweet food again to get that energy boost.

“Choose snacks that combine a source of protein with complex carbohydra­tes to keep you full for longer.

“Complex carbs like oatcakes contain fibre, while Greek yogurt is a good source of protein. Protein will keep you full, reduce cravings and stabilise your blood sugar too.”

Don’t avoid carbohydra­tes as they help with the production of serotonin, the happy hormone.

 ?? Pictures: GETTY ??
Pictures: GETTY

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